Ch. 45 2nd Day of Competition

Start from the beginning

In a few minutes, the Tribe Leaders began their speech for the second day of the Most Beautiful Competition, though this time they mentioned that the judges would be a set of new single males taken from each of the guest Tribes including their own. The difference is that the males would at the end vote for their preferred female and thus openly court her. After hearing the announcement, each female nodded their agreement though a few males from their family silently grumbled their displeasure.

Unbeknown to Suki's worry, her males were prepared in acknowledging that coming here meant that she may end up gaining another male for past records showed how easily she won them from each tribe. Though that didn't mean that they would accept just any male to their family (ahem totally blocking that fake contemptuous red fox).

Thus began the competition where in this one each female strutted like a model and proudly revealed how many cubs they had. The first to strut her beauty was the vixen who thankfully this time wore actual cloth. As she walked in the middle toward the judges she gave a sultry smile, winked at them and with chest out proudly exclaimed that she gave birth to a female cub.

After gaining some awes and a few hot glances, the peacock came after proclaiming that she gave birth to a batch of 13 eggs, a number higher than the usual and that all survived the winter season. A round of applause was given to the female who gave birth to strong cubs, eh, chicks.

The leopard literally did a cat walk and to the judges she sweetly mentioned that she gave birth to a beautiful female who looked exactly like her with the exception of her fathers gorgeous hazel eyes. The crowd is now muttering in wonder and some whistle for it was blissful news to hear that so far 2 female cubs have been born.

Up next was the panda female who quietly walked along while waving hi to everyone and smiling behind her fan. At the end she delicately bowed and charmingly said that she gave birth to 3 sturdy panda cubs. Respectful applause was given.

As for the tigress' turn, she walked like she owned the place, gave each judging male a penetrating stare with a touch of mischief and announced that she, Kira, gave birth to a magnificent female cub who will learn her skills and become a smashing warrior. Many gasps were heard after hearing that a third female cub was born.

My turn came up, now in the center I slowly took off my one set cloth showing underneath Sheila's latest bathing suit made of animal snake skin with the ends having shiny rocks hanging on it. Many females became awed by whatever the bear female was wearing while some of the single male's eyes became hot at watching the female's beguiling body.

Now, in front of the judges, giving a slow twirl and placing a hand on my chest said, "What I'm wearing is called a bathing suit made for us females to become able to publicly swim in the waters where males roam. With this," I move my hands over the curves of my body towards the gems sown into the fabric, "I can happily swim without the added feel of heavy cloths weighing me down."

Not glancing at the females but at the judges I smile pleasantly as I hear the voices of many females telling their mates that they wanted one similar. Laughing inwardly, my eyes close halfway in thinking of the amount of income Sheila and I will make.

"Ahem, and this past winter I gave birth to a graceful (spunky) remarkably brave female cub."

Walking back to my family, I felt magnificent at the amount of applause and more than anything to the voices beckoning their males to ask mine for where and how they could get a 'bathing suit'.

Foo foo foo, I couldn't keep it in and gleefully laugh at the future gains. As she heartily laughs,Tawa is quickly placing a cloth that appears like a robe on his female's shoulders.

My pleasant laughter abruptly stops when the Clan Leaders begin to ask for the judges to vote for the female who has won today's competition. 12 males (missing 2 since the Bat Clan is still asleep) get up and walk to the center, from there they disperse. Starting from the proud peacock female, she gained 1. The Tigress gained 2, the leopard next to her gained 2, the panda female gained 2, the vixen gained 2 (including that peculiar red fox from last time), and I gained 3.

"The winner of Today's Most Beautiful Competition is Suki!" announces a certain mermaid before either of the Sakura Tribe Leaders could shout it.

Feeling the taste of having won this round, my chest expands and I proudly smile, while also giving the three males who chose me a kind one. Now, for the hard part. Which beastman will I choose? The tiger, the panda, or the fox?

- - Meanwhile, back in the Clear Lake Tribe - -

"Listen Sanvi, if we want to win against those mermaid's beauty, we gotta do what my mama did on one of our trips." Then adds in a whisper, "it made her skin sooo soft and shiny."

With full attention Sanvi curiously asks how.

Her friend Talise looks both ways to make sure no one was listening and responds, "a mud bath."

Thus, two female cubs gallantly walk toward the shore showing off their mud covered legs, arms, neck, and face. Waiting, they began to itch but attempted to not scratch their skin for beauty can be hard to achieve and this was their moment to shine.

Not too far away a female squaks in embarrassment as another female nearby gasps, "oh my." As for the embarrassed female's males they couldn't help but coo at their cub trying to achieve the look their mama did at a place where supposedly no one else was watching... and that was at an inactive volcano who's mud properties is rumored to make anyones skin radiate in all its finest. 

Posted on Feb 18, 2024 only on ww atpad  at 13:59

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