Chapter 5

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Hello, my bitches! Rare early update, cherish it. Anygays, I do plan for them to kiss/make-out, so just a lil warning if that makes you uncomfortable. I'll probably get carried away again like I did last chapter, so it might be a bit long of a chapter. Anygays, on with the chapter!

|3rd Person POV|

"Yeah, you're right! I'm gonna tell him tomorrow!" Naruto responds ecstatically.

"Yeah, go ge- tomorrow? I think it'd be best if you got to know him a bit better, y'know?" Kushina reminds her son how he just met him this morning. "I mean, there's little to no doubt he'd say yes, but maybe let it draw out. Let both of your feelings grow until they eventually burst out of you like "Boom" and "Whoosh!" Y'know?!" Geez, the two had so much in common, no doubt they were mother and son. (Iykyk)

"Oh. Yeah, yeah! That makes a whole lot more sense! Thanks mom!"

"No problem, always happy to help out with anything you need! Though, it's important to be independant sometimes, y'know." She reminded him.

"Yeah, I know! Love ya'!" The fox ran off to his room to think about how the next few weeks of school would go. Meanwhile, Sasuke was keeping the situation to himself as he hid in his room. Mikoto, though now knowing the secret from a certain red-head, keeps to herself as she respects her youngest son's privacy.

|Sasuke's POV|

Shit. I've fallen in love. With another guy. A guy I just met and I learn he likes me back?! I swear, being 'special' is a curse sometimes.

I'm curled up on my bed, contemplating my every life decision and all I can think of is him. His bright smile, bright hair, bright blue eyes, his weird yet appalling whiskers, FUCK! I try and try as hard as I can, I'm straight, this is just some silly, very long and realistic dream. No, nightmare.

But is it really a dream? I mean, I can't get him out of my head and the way his hand felt when he pet me... I wanted him to continue...but I couldn't. We had to get to class. Fuck...

|3rd Person POV|

Sasuke fell asleep a few minutes later, upset at himself, not knowing what to do with his feelings. Meanwhile, Naruto could barely sleep at the thought of getting to know Sasuke better, and maybe, just maybe, being able to feel those soft looking lips against his one day.

The next morning, Naruto tries to talk and engage more with Sasuke, trying to grow their friendship.

"Hey, Sasuke!" The raven flinched at his name and blushed as he looked behind him and it was Naruto calling out his name. "What class do you have next?"

"Chemistry I think." He says, looking down at his paper schedule. "What about you?"

"I think I have..." He pauses to look at his schedule. "Ugh, math." He pouts, and Sasuke chuckles slightly at the action.

"Damn, that sucks."

"You're damn right it does! Though the worst part is you won't be there." He winks at the blushing raven, whom's eyes were wide at the sudden statement.

"Y-yeah, whatever..." Though his face shows embarrassment, his tail swayed at the blond's compliment(?). "I-I've got to get to class." Sasuke fastly speaks, earning a chuckle from the blond boy.

"Okay then, see ya later? Lunch maybe? Or after school?"

"Y-yeah, after school works. Bye!" The raven runs off to his class, leaving behind a snickering blond to walk to his class by himself.

"He's so cute.." He mutters to himself as he gets to class.

-|Timeskip to lunch|-

|3rd Person POV|

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