Chapter 2

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     Hello my bitches, so sorry for not updating but schools been tough especially since we have quizzes every week and tests every month, and my brain is all over the place right now, so let's just get to it.


     Naruto's POV

     I got dressed, putting on a bright orange T-Shirt and black sweatpants. I was wondering if it was important to hide my "Un-natural features" or not. I left them out so everybody could know I was different! My mom always said there was nothing wrong with being different, so I took her word for it! I went downstairs and saw my dad making breakfast.

     "Oh, Naruto! Good morning." Mom greeted me with open arms. 

     "Now eat up, quickly, you don't want to be late!" I always ate quickly, especially ramen! I could smell the food all the way from my room. One of the kinks of being part animal. Your senses are SUPER enhanced.

     I asked my mom if I should hide myself from people, and she said, "Honey, don't be afraid to let yourself show a little! If you feel more comfortable hiding it, though, you totally can, you know! Your body, your choice! Oh, yeah and remember, don't be rude to your teachers, pay attention and get good grades, if you're getting bullied just tell the teachers, don't BE a bully, make lots and lots of friends, an- " 

     "Come on mom! I've gotta get to school!"

     "You're right, I guess I was talking your ear off. Butt it's all 'cause I love ya', you know?" 

     "Yeah, I know. And I love you too. I'd better get going! Bye mom, bye dad, bye Pervy sage, bye Ba-"

     "Nope," she said, "I'm gonna drive you!"

     "Thanks for the offer, but I can w-"

     "Who said it was a choice? Besides, I got a new job at your school as the principal, so why not?"

     "What?! Bacchan, YOU go a job at MY school? As the PRINCIPAL?? And are JUST NOW TELLING ME?!" She didn't reply, as if the answer was obvious and dragged me to her car. 

     Meanwhile, At Sasuke's House..

     Sasuke's POV

     I got dressed, putting on a black shirt and gray sweatpants, still extremely tired. When I get downstairs I'm hit in the face with the smell of tomato soup. I grab a travel cup and pour it in there. As soon as I'm about to exit the door, my (annoying) elder brother shouts, "Not even gonna say goodbye to the people who created you? Or me?"

     I really was not in the mood for this asshole. "No, no I am not."

     "Aw, come on Sasuke, we know you love us! Just gotta say it!"

     "Fuck off." He frowned. I flipped him off and was almost out the door when someone touched my shoulder. 

     I looked behind me. It was my mom, with an almost worried look on her face. "Mom, I'm gonna be fine."

     "I-I know but it's just so easy for us mothers to get worried about their babies."

     "I'm not a baby anymore. I'm 16."

     "You know what I mean. But your brother is right. It'd be nice for you to say 'I love you' sometimes. We are your family." I looked at her in disgust. My annoying, asshole, whore brother was right?! She looked at me so sweetly. I couldn't just leave without saying something. I sighed.

     "I-," I shifted my weight and sighed, "I love you mom." She smiled, and my brother started to cheer. I hated him. Have I made it clear enough I hated him? 

     "Alright, now let me leave." My face was slightly warm out of embarrassment. My mom kissed the top of my head, having to strain to do so since I was taller than her.

     "I love you too!" She yelled as I left. Ugh, my family puts me through torture. I'm sure school will be no different. Making friends will be difficult since I'd be the only freak there. Not that I exactly want to be social.

     Alrighty, (does anyone say that anymore?) guess this chapter is over because I don't know what to add and I'm too lazy to think of anything! 😀👍 Anyways, see you hoes later in the next chapter where they first meet...😏 Probably coming in a few weeks or months! Being realistic, probably months.

Later bitches!😘✌

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