Chapter Twenty Six

Start from the beginning

As the engine falls silent, I release my seatbelt, a surge of hope propelling my next question. "Can I come by again tomorrow?" I inquire, my voice tinged with anticipation.

Victoria's tender gesture, pressing her lips to my hand, sends a flutter of warmth coursing through me. "You're always welcome," she assures me, her words a balm to my weary soul.

With a smile gracing my lips, I lean forward, capturing her in a tender kiss. In that fleeting moment, our connection transcends words, a silent exchange of affection and devotion.

"I love you," she breathes against my lips as we part, her words a whispered promise of love and constancy.

"I love you too," I reply, my heart overflowing with emotion. With a final wave, I step out of the car, gathering my belongings from the trunk. As I cross the street, the echo of her words lingers in my mind, a beacon of light guiding me back to the solitude of my dormitory, where the memory of her embrace will sustain me until our paths converge once more.

Stepping over the threshold of my dormitory, the familiar scent of stale air mingled with the faint aroma of Sarah's perfume greeted me. With a weary sigh, I closed the door behind me, casting a cursory glance around the dimly lit room.

There, sprawled lazily on the couch, was Sarah, her gaze fixated on the flickering images dancing across the television screen. As my presence registered, her face lit up with an effervescent smile, a stark contrast to the drab surroundings.

"Ivy!" she exclaimed, bounding toward me with an enthusiasm that bordered on infectious. Before I could utter a word, she enveloped me in a tight embrace, her warmth a comforting embrace in the midst of solitude. "I haven't seen you in forever, how're you doing?"

Returning her hug with equal fervor, I couldn't help but chuckle at her exuberance. "I'm good, how are you?" I inquired, genuine concern lacing my words.

With a dismissive wave of her hand, Sarah brushed aside my inquiry, her focus shifting to more pressing matters. "Yeah, good. How was your time with Mrs. Sinclair?" she quizzed, curiosity evident in her voice.

Sauntering into the kitchen, I poured myself a glass of water, relishing the cool liquid as it cascaded down my parched throat. "Amazing as always," I replied between gulps, the memories of my time with Victoria still fresh in my mind.

As the water sated my thirst, a sudden invitation tumbled from my lips, spurred by a desire for companionship. "Emily and I are going clubbing tonight, you want to join?" I suggested, hopeful that Sarah might accompany us.

However, her response was tepid, a gentle shake of her head betraying her disinterest. "Not really my scene," she admitted with a shrug, her reasons echoing in the confines of the room. "Also, why tonight? Why not tomorrow on your birthday?"

Her question lingered in the air, casting a shadow of uncertainty over my plans. Why indeed had we chosen tonight for our escapade? The answer eluded me, a puzzle waiting to be unraveled.

"I actually don't know," I confessed with a nonchalant shrug, the realization dawning upon me that perhaps there was more to our impromptu outing than met the eye.

As the hours melted away in the warmth of our conversation, Sarah and I reminisced about our recent vacation with an enthusiasm bordering on nostalgia. Her animated recounting of her parents' visit, which had concluded just the day before, painted vivid images of familial bonds and cherished moments.

Yet, amidst the tales of our adventures, there lingered a revelation waiting to be unveiled—a secret harbored within the recesses of my heart. With bated breath, I shared with Sarah the news of Victoria's unexpected gift—a canine companion destined to become my steadfast companion. The sheer delight that lit up Sarah's face, her exuberant squeal echoing through the room, mirrored the excitement that thrummed within me.

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