27 | The Birthday Banquet

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Standing side by side, Dai Yichen's sleeve brushed against hers. When he turned slightly to face her, his hand took hers and he squeezed. Showing his gesture of moral support.

"I know I'm not your closest confidante," he said quietly, sounding sad and disappointed about how little he knew of her. "But if you keep everything to yourself, including your worries, they won't be good for your health."

Luwen gnawed at her bottom lip, hesitant. He could sense she was keeping secrets from him. "That was all in the past. I didn't think it would make either of us happy if I spoke about it."

"I've told you my share of happy and troubled moments. I would have been happy to listen to you, as you did for me."

"What do you wish to know, my lord?"

His eyes radiated warmth. "Everything about you, including your past, even if they were unpleasant memories," he said, before continuing on. "But only if you're comfortable to share."

He released her hand, his gaze still holding her there, while her heart was pounding wildly like a drum. The time they would have to spend together for the next couple of days wouldn't give her any excuse to avoid him.

His sincere words would have rattled any female's heart, but Luwen wasn't just any ordinary girl. She was an enemy with a dangerous mission. A soon-to-be betrayer.

Her lies, her feelings and the stories she needed to spin to make them sound true...

What would she do about them?


The birthday banquet was taking place in a two-storey pavilion overlooking a lotus pond and a garden of trees draped in lilac flowers. Servants served bountiful trays of food, fruits, and small jars of wine. An ensemble drifted onto the center stage, welcoming the guests with a series of graceful dance moves accompanied by enchanting music.

Luwen, as always, began her quiet observation of the lively scene.

The representatives from the Ten Great Clans were present all together—Dai, Yue, Xu, Jiang, Wen, Zhao, Gong, Tang, Chen and Wang.

After proposing a birthday toast to Lord Yue, the lords began exchanging formalities.

As expected, Dai Yichen received the second-most attention after Lord Yue, mainly because he was the newest and youngest lord at the moment. He was only twenty-one years old, with a promising future ahead of him.

Throughout the banquet, no one except Lord Yue offered a greeting or a smile to Luwen. They shot her disdainful looks, looking anywhere else except her way.

She had expected such reactions, knowing they couldn't hurt her, but it wasn't until she overheard pieces of their conversations did she realize how wrong she was.

"It's such a shame that he has to be married to the ill-omened princess. I daresay my daughter would have been a much better fit for him."

Naturally, his handsome looks had caught the attention of several women in the pavilion. The lord's wives whispered and nodded their heads in agreement, their eyes fixated on him, as they discussed how great of a marriage prospect he would have been for their daughters if the war truce hadn't forced him to marry the princess of the Xia clan.

And such words hurt Luwen more than she had expected.

Even Lord Yue's children, especially his three daughters, took an interest in Dai Yichen. The youngest and most beautiful daughter—Yue Siying—had her eyes laid on him ever since they first entered the pavilion. According to Lord Yue's introduction earlier, she was around seventeen years old, just two years younger than Luwen.

When her gaze eventually moved towards Luwen, her lips curved into a captivating smile, like a flower blooming in spring.

"Princess Xia?" She was the third person to address her in public, her tone amiable. "Is the food and wine to your liking?"

"Yes, Third Princess. Your family is a wonderful host. The performances are stunning."

Yue Siying's smile widened. "Do you play any instruments? I can play the zither well."

"No, I'm afraid not." Luwen continued her act, replying in a similar friendly manner, even though she was uncomfortable and uncertain why Yue Siying would have a conversation with her. Was she simply an innocent girl who was ignorant of the politics running through the clans?

"Is there any talent you hold, Princess Xia? I heard from rumors that you've an exceptional painter."

Luwen seemed stunned as the wine cup slipped slightly from her grasp.

How did Yue Siying know about the princess's interest? Was it all because of the rumors?

In the meantime, Yue Siying's question seemed to catch Dai Yichen's attention, whose head swiveled around to meet Luwen's gaze. "You do?"

She smiled weakly. "Well, I did paint in the past, but I stopped."

"Why?" He leaned closer to listen to her, close enough to have his breath tickle the side of her face. "Is it because you lacked the resources to paint after we got married? You should have informed me, and I would have arranged for someone to buy the materials on your behalf."

"No. Painting doesn't interest me anymore," she lied. "I found a new pastime—I enjoy wood carving. You know that."

"That I do." His eyes softened into a tenderness that caught her breath in her throat. "I like the lantern you made for me."

Luwen grew embarrassed, but thrilled he liked her gift.

When she glanced back at Yue Siying, she found the girl staring intently at Dai Yichen, before she switched her attention back to Luwen with a radiant beam.

"Princess Xia, how about I teach you how to play the zither and you shall teach me how to paint?"

"Princess Xia, how about I teach you how to play the zither and you shall teach me how to paint?"

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