Retromutagen Spills and Portal Spawns..?

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Tmnt 2012 & Rottmnt crossover:

2012 dimension:

"MIKEY!!!" Donnie had yelled out from his lab because Mikey had messed up something in his lab. Mikey was on the couch gorging on a whole pizza while watching Crognard, until he was caught off guard by the sound of his name being yelled. "Yeah..bro?"Mikey said when Donnie had entered the main room he looked at Mikey with a pissed-off face. "Mikey did happen to..oh, I don't know MESS WITH MY RETRO MUTAGEN SAMPLES!!", He glared at Mikey with daggers as he crossed his arms. Mikey looked at him with a nervous face and he put his pizza down. He looked down at the ground and sighed before looking up at Donnie again. "Ok, ok I was just bored and I was just looking at the retro mutagen. I lifted it to get a better look..and then it dropped," Mikey said. "Look, just don't go into my lab without me in there ok..?," Donnie said before he sighed and walked away.

Mikey nodded as he watched Donnie and Mikey continued watching his show. Mikey was taking a slice from the box when all of a sudden a neon blue-like color started to shine in the room. Mikey's eyes started to go wide at the sudden occurrence and he started to get up from the couch to grab his chucks. He started to piece together that it was a portal from the color starting to take shape into an oval. "Umm...DONNIE SOMETHINGS HAPPENING?!?," he yelled out to get Donnie to hear him. Donnie was in his lab pouring chemicals together when he heard Mikey shout his name and he accidentally spilled the mixtures. He grumbled when he started to get up and he was annoyed with Mikey but walked out of his lab nevertheless. When Donnie reached the living room he was shocked at the display before him, "MIKEY WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO?!?" Donnie said. Mikey turned towards Donnie with confusion and shock written on his face because of the portal in front of them. "I SWEAR DON I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING THIS TIME I WAS JUST EATING MY PIZZA AND WATCHING MY SHOW, HOW THE HECK DO IT GET RID OF THIS THING BEFORE RAPH AND LEO COME BACK FROM PATROL?!?!??." Mikey exclaimed out of breath as he was just as confused as Donnie was. "HOW THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW!!...ok look we just need to calm down and whatever you do DON'T TOUCH THE PORTAL ''. Donnie told Mikey as he started to examine the portal. Mikey shook his head agreeing with what Donnie said and he backed away from the portal and stood next to Donnie. Mikey glanced up at Donnie examining it then Mikey looked down at his T-phone. "This doesn't look like any of the Krang portals. This one is like a neon blue and the other ones were like a purplish kind of color.." Donnie muttered as he had his hand under his chin his words made Mikey look back up at him. "Do you think it is the Krang going for a different color palette..?" Mikey said as he looked at the portal, noticing it looked a little different since they last saw one of the Krang's portals. "Not sure but I don't trust it-" Donnie got kindly interrupted by his T-phone ringing, Donnie sighed before he glanced at the contact and it was Leo. Donnie probably figured it was them letting them know that they were coming back from patrol, but he answered anyway.

"Hey Donnie umm Raph and I were going to pick up a pizza do you and Mikey need anything before we get there?" Leo said. "No, we don't need anything we just umm got caught up with something..?" Donnie started unsure if he should tell Leo about the portal in the living room. Leo was a little confused at what Donnie said but he just shrugged it off, "Okay then heh...well see you guys in a bit..bye!"Leo had said before Donnie said his goodbyes before he hung up and went back to studying the portal.

Soon after Leo and Raph came barging in the Lair with 4 pizza boxes in their arms. "Hey Mikey we got your favorite sorry that they didn't have your exact toppin- WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?" Leo said as he quickly noticed the portal in the living room and he looked shocked at the sight. "Look it's a portal and it just kinda..spawned here?" Donnie said with a slightly nervous smile as he looked at Leo and Raph noticing their surprised yet shocked faces. Raph had placed the pizzas down in the kitchen then he walked towards the portal and looked at it thinking it was one of the krang's portals or something. "Has anything come out of it?" Leo asked as he looked at Donnie, Donnie just shook his head no and Leo also put down the pizzas and went towards the rest of his brothers. "It doesn't really look like one of the Krangs' portals..but whose portal could it be..?" Raph muttered as he put his hand on his hips. Mikey was walking towards the portal before he accidentally slipped right in front of it and he started to fall into the portal. All Raph, Leo, and Donnie noticed Mikey slipping on one of the pizza boxes that he was eating earlier on the couch and Donnie went straight to grab him until he noticed him also falling into the portal as well. Leo went after Donnie and he grabbed his arm but the portal's strength was so strong that he couldn't hold on. Raph had tried to grab Leo's leg so he wouldn't fall in but even Raph was losing his grip and they all fell in. Soon after the blue portal had closed behind them and they all had gone through. When the portal opened they landed with an oof on the ground. Mikey was the first to get it because he fell first, but soon all of them got up from the ground and started to stand up. They all noticed that they were in New York..but not their New York. "Leo where the heck are we..?" Mikey mumbled under his breath," I don't know...Mikey." Leo said to him.


Chapter 1 takes place between season three after they go back to New York for TMNT 2012 and Rise takes place during the middle of season 2

Sorry if this is kinda bad this is my first fic ever and I just wanted to write about it this series is going to be very silly and fun. So there won't be a lot of angst because I just want to write some silly turtle stuff. The characters might be a little off bad going to try to make them in character. 
The first chapter is kinda of short :( 

I also have this story on Ao3:


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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