I excused myself n went in washroom.....

watching myself in mirror my mind started to flash his caring side..the way he was wiping my face at hospital... making my hair....n almost unwantedly left me alone wid nurses....for changing my clothes n sanitary napkins

small smile appeared on my lips when I recall his grumpy face whenever nurses ask him to go outside.....

I use loo n change my pad which is filled completely....yes she told me it's normal after abortion or we can say miscarriage but it sacred me....at hospital nurses used to do this I didn't even dare to see my own blood which recalls me my dead son...

yes Dr mitali told that baby has chances of a male gender....I cried more that day holding sidharth....I lost my son....n that blood always recalls me my incompetent self that didn't even save my own child

I close my eyes tightly n wipe sweatbuds formed on my forehead

I move towards the mirror n lift my kurti up to look that mark on my stomach which more imprinted on my heart n mind...

that long thick stitches are fresh....

I shed few tears looking my marks.....

carrying my self again I wash my face wid water n go out finding him moving back n forth outside my washroom door

when his eyes land on me he come closer n take me in his arms

I got shocked finding the reason why he hug me

Sid :- are u crying inside

he speak oh so gently n how he knows that I am crying

I wrapped my arms slowly n he digged his face more in my nape after my response to his hug

Sid :- is that bleeding...I mean it's still there....

I didn't reply anything hesitating how to told him

he again hear my unspoken words that always amazed me

Sid :- it's ok ....is there any pain mera baccha

he utter kissing on my ear n my heart literally skipped a beat

I nod in no n he breaking hug take me towards the bed n make me sit.....

he went inside the washroom n opening the lid of dustbin he check that pad I throw in....n his facial expressions changed into worry....

may be in normal case
flow of bleeding might get less but mine is still a heavy flow

he come outside again sighing in worry

but my eyes fall on that boxes which have the baby's clothes toys, mat diapers n what not

n I tighten my fist on bedsheet

he follow my gaze n come quickly

sit on his knees infront of me... taking my both palms freeding bedsheets hold he hold my palms n kiss my both side knuckles

Sid :- we are strong meri jaan...we can come out from this....we will heal eachother...soon everything will be back normal

I nod lowering my head

he stand up n sit beside me....in next moment he wrapped his arms around my waist n pulled me up placing me on his lap

it was so sudden that I gasped but he act like it's so casual thing for him....

his one hand is wrapped around my waist n other palm in on my stomach

he is moving his palm on my belly  over my kurti

Broken But Beautiful  ( completed )Where stories live. Discover now