waiting for us in the room was Happy and Padfoot. My dog came and took his place by my side. Everyone spent the next few minutes re-briefing me and Peter and, before we were rushed to where the interview would take place.

"We are back again with more celebrity news. By this time everyone has heard what happened in early October at Midtown High School, when a villain, going after Spider-Man, crashed through the ruffe of the cafeteria. After the perpetrator had made his escape Iron Man could be seen on the scene, soon coming out of the school with a teenage girl, escorting her and another student into an awaiting car. Since then we have seen Mr Stark has been seen with the same two teenagers a few more times. So today we will be addressing the rumors around these two children and The billionaire philanthropist we all love, and if one of these kids is the source of similar rumors going around last year." A woman I have differently seen on TV at some point had started the show off with a quick intro before welcoming Mr. Stark onto the stage.

"Hello, dear. Long time no see." he greats as he sits on one of the couches available. "It truly has been, but from what we have seen, you have been quite the busy man." 

"Well, I am me, but the two newest residents of Avengers Tower have been taking up most of my little free time." 

They started talking about how we came into this situation, starting with how Peter became an intern, and Mr. Stark meeting me and Aunt May. Of course, the story has been altered as the true story would have revealed Peter as Spider-Man.

"So when May, their Aunt asked if Peter could stay with me during her work trip in Africa, I insisted that both kids stay with us."

"Why both kids? It seems as though at this point you don't know the girl very well." The woman asks. "Well, Olivia has high-functioning Autism, so I figured moving to Africa for a year would not be her idea of a good time, so I extended the invitation to her as well." there was an awkward tension that came from the interview woman when Mr. Stark mentioned my ASD. "Plus the two of them have never been separated for a long period, and I'm pretty sure it's a sin to separate twins when they are still minors." Mr. Stark defused the tension. "Liv has been fitting in well, and Pete has helped to get her to join the others in activities." They continued.

"You have been rumors that the Parkers are more than just a couple of kids you have been having around. They say that you are more of a father figure to them. How do you respond to these rumors?" she questioned "Well after several conversations with their Aunt, I was granted Joint Physical Custody of both kids as of November 11th, Three weeks ago."

They continued talking about the custody agreement, which both Peter and I were listening to with curiosity as we hadn't gotten the full details of the agreement ourselves. Soon enough the the Woman Changed the Subject just a touch."So now that we have a basic idea of who these kids are why don't we have them join us out on stage?" With that, Mrs. Potts led me and Petter to our seats next to our legal guardian. the woman sitting across from us shook my twin brother's hand before offering her hand to me as well. I returned the greeting before taking my seat.

"It's nice to meet the two of you. As you know you are on the Sitting with Celebrities show, and I'm your host, Jessica Sullivan, It's a pleasure to have you here Olivia and Peter Parker. So tell me, what is it like having The Tony Stark as your Guardian?" Of course, Peter was the one who spoke for both of us. "Really cool. Though I have been coming to the tower for longer than my sister so not much has changed for me. Though now that Liv is here it's just gotten better. Especially Mondays. Mondays are when Mr. Stark lets me bring over some friends and we get to work on projects, and now I have my Twin there to help. Oh! and Saturday night, which is family night, where everyone comes together and does something. It's really fun." My brother goes on about what it's like living with the Avengers, going over how he helps the scientist of the team with his equations, or how we have been taking self-defense lessons with Ms. Rominoff and Mr. Barton. 

we were coming to the end of the hour we had in this dreadful place when the Woman, Ms. Sullivan, turned her attention toward me. "Olivia, you have been awfully quiet, is there anything you would like to add before our hour with the three of you is up?" she asks "Um not particularly. I guess a thank you." I say quietly it is taking everything in me to continue speaking, as my heart rate picks up. I removed my hoodie so I would look more presentable, and Padfoot is still backstage so I'm doing this with my own willpower, which is lacking. "I know that we are here so that all of Mr. Starks fans get to know what is going on in his life, but even though this is so very scary to me I'm glad that me and my brother get to show the world the kind of father figure Mr. Stark has become to us." Mr. Stark wrapped an arm around me bringing me into a side hug, which I didn't mind. I heard a grunt from Peter as he was pulled in as well with much greater forces, Ms. Sullivan smiled at the three of us.  "It's my pleasure. And with that, we are sadly out of time, but it is the best note to end on. Once again this is The Sitting with Celaberties show," she addressed the live audience. "With this week's gusts Tony Stark and his two teenage wards Peter and Olivia Parker."

and with the end of the interview, we get to go home, where I have plans of spacing out with my dog for the rest of the afternoon before sitting around the home movie theater with the rest of the Avengers Tower residents for movies and junk food.

A/N) Chapter 32 is done. Sorry if it's not good I'm really just trying to tie off loose ends before I bring Peter's Twin Sister to its finaliy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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