Episode 1: Overture

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Charlie was in her room, reading a book titled, The Story Of Hell.

Charlie: Don't worry mom, I'll make you proud.

Baggie: Charlie?

Baggie entered the room, startling her. At the same time Keekee appeared on the couch and started running around.

Charlie: Oh shit! Did you hear all that?

Vaggie: Yeah, I was right there.

She pointed at the door. Charlie felt a bit emabresed by this, but quickly shook it off cause it wasn't that bad since it was jus Vaggie who heard her.

Charlie: Sorry, I get pretty worked up after an extermination. The story helps.

Vaggie: I know, don't worry, I enjoy your theatrics. Are you ok?

She sat down next to Charlie.

Charlie: I'm fine, just thinking, you know, family stuff.

Vaggie: Did you hear from your mom yet?

Charlie tiltsvher head down a bit, shaking it that she didn't.

Vaggie: How long has it been now?

Charlie: Not that long, only...7...years, off doing something inportant I'm sure, but this kingdom was something she really cared about. Something I care about.

Vaggie: at least you aren't alone.

She went up to Charlie, touching foreheads to show her she cared.

Charlie: I just hope what I'm trying to do here will work.

Vaggie: It will, I have efaith in you.

Keekee jumped in Charlie's lap, like any can wanting to be pet. As the girls we're petting the cat someone came to through the door.

Y/n: Hey, Alastor called us down to show us something.

Vaggie: Thanks Y/n.

Vaggie followed Y/n to the lobby. Charlie sat there for a minute, looking at the angelic tower in the middle of the city signaling 358 days until the next extermination.

*Scene change*

We see a demon stabbing another demon, before some spoke up.

Alastor: Well hello there you wayward sinner.

This got the atention of the demon, and that of the demon who he was stabbing who was aparently still alive, but they didn't know where the voice was coming from

Alastor: Do you like blood, violence and depravity of the sexual nature. Of course you do, that's why you're in Hell.

A bunch of other demon showed up, wanting to see what was with the weird voice.

Alastor: Well, what if I told you there was a place to stay that had none of that. Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel.

The camera changes to show the Hazbin Hotel.

Alastor: A misguided path to redemption.

The camara change again showing Charlie talking to someone, before she noticed the camera.

Alastor: Founded just 5 days ago by Lucifer's delusional daughter, Charlotte Morningstar. Come place your fate in her inexperienced hands as she tries to work through her daddy issues by fixing you.

The camera changed to show the main area, specifically the bar.

Alastor: Here we offer fun things, such as, somewhat functional staff.

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