"I can't. That spell was the last of my magic. I can't stop it. But I might know someone who can." She explained and looked at the blonde. She didn't like this but she didn't want to lose Henry so she needed to work together with Emma now.

"Mr. Gold." Emma concluded. He was clearly in it too this whole time.

Regina nodded and sighed. "In our land he goes by Rumplestiltskin." She explained  to her and went with her to go to Gold. She didn't like this either but they needed his help now.

As they walked out Rosalie went after them. "Where are you going?" She asked them confused.

The brunette turned to face her daughter and gave her a sympathic look. "Stay here with Mary Margaret, please. Emma and I are going to get medicine for Henry that will help him. Don't worry." She told her daughter reassuringly and cupped her cheek. She really hoped they would be able to help Henry.

Rosalie nodded and watched them leave. She just wanted Henry to be okay.


After Rumple had turned on them, they got a call from the hospital. It didn't look good.

Emma and Regina rushed back to the hospital and arrived just when Henry's heart stopped beating. Regina burst into tears as she watched her little boy. It was all her fault. She brought all on herself because she had been selfish again. Last time it cost her her father and daughter and now it cost her her son.

Rosalie cried and sobbed as she held Henry's hand. She couldn't take this. She didn't want to believe that her brother was really gone.

Stepping over to the hospital bed, Emma sobbed as she looked at her son, her baby boy. She never thought she would this close to having a family and now it was all ruined. "I love you, Henry." She sobbed as she leaned down and kissed his forehead.

Suddenly the room was filled with a bright light that engulfed the whole town as Henry woke up with a gasp.

Emma couldn't believe it. Henry was alive and well. How was that even possible? She didn't know but as she looked at the others in the room she began to realize what had happened. The curse was broken.

Images of her life in the tower and Alexis flashed before Rosalie's eyes as she remembered everything. The tower, her mother, Alexis, Snow White, the curse. She was Rapunzel. Henry had been right all along. The blonde got scared as she looked at her mother. Regina did all of this. She quickly left the hospital and walked around town, not sure where to go or what to do now.

Regina looked around and realized too that the curse was broken. She looked at Henry. "Henry, no matter what happens, no matter what anyone tells you, I do love you." She told her son before quickly leaving the hospital to hide in her house. She knew there would be an angry mob to get her soon.


Rapunzel ended up by her mother's vault and walked in. She sighed as she looked at her grandpa's coffin. The blonde frowned as she suddenly heard noises. They came from the vault. She knew from Henry's book that her mother kept her magical artifacts and her hearts there.

Looking around to find the entrance, she found marks on the ground from the coffin being pushed aside. Rapunzel pushed the coffin and it revealed a staircase. She took a deep breath before she dared to walk in. The blonde flinched as she heard the beating of the hearts. The sound made her sick. So many people lost their hearts because of her mother. It frightend her.

Suddenly she heard the noises again. They were coming from a person. The young girl walked further through the vault and stopped when she found a man laying in a glass coffin. She didn't know who that man was but he must have been important if her mother kept him in her vault. She studied him. He was young, not much older than her and he was dressed in simple clothes, so he wasn't a royal. She wondered who he was and decided she would ask her mother later.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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