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Trigger warning for mentions of rape!!!


The next morning, Emma started her journey to New York. It would be a long drive but she was used to it by now and made it through the eight hours without a problem. She stopped at a diner when she reached New York and had a coffee and some lunch before she continued her journey through the city. She got the adress of Rosalie's apartment from the school and hoped she would be home so they could talk. She hoped she could convince Rosalie to come with her but it wouldn't be easy.

When she reached the apartment block she parked her yellow bug and went to the apartment building. She got in and walked up the stairs until she reached the right floor and found Rosalie's apartment. Of course she used Alex's last name. The blonde took a deep breath before she knocked on the door. Emma really hoped this could work for Henry's sake.

A brunette young man opened the door. It was Alex. He looked at Emma and frowned. "Can I help you?" He asked confused.

"Are you Alex Spencer? I'm Emma Swan. You don't know me but you know my son, Henry Mills. I'm his birth mother and I recently moved to Storybrooke. Henry told me about his sister and I came to find her. Is she home?" She explained the situation to him and hoped he wouldn't shut the door on her.

Alex sighed. He feared that one day they would be found but he didn't think it would be this soon. "Come in." He said and let her come in and closed the door. He wasn't sure how Rosalie would react to this. "Rosie?! We have a guest." He called out to his financée and sighed. Alex really hoped she wouldn't freak out.

Rosalie frowned as she heard Alex. They didn't expect anyone. She came out of their bedroom and looked at Emma confused. She had never seen this person before. "Hello?" She asked confused.

Looking at Rosalie up close, Emma could totally see the crazy resemblance between her and Regina. She was beautiful. "Hi...uhm...I'm Emma Swan. Your brother Henry is my son. He found me a few months ago and brought me to Storybrooke. He told me about you and asked me to find you. He really misses you." She explained to the young blonde and hoped she wouldn't send her away. She wouldn't let her know for now that Regina send her. She was sure it wouldn't be good.

Confused, Rosalie just stared at her for a moment. This was Henry's birth mother? And she was here to find her? She was shocked. "I...I'm not going back there." She told the blonde and sighed. She couldn't go to Storybrooke. It wouldn't be save for her.


Storybrooke, a few years ago:

15 year old Rosalie was on her way home from the diner. It was already dark and she was sure her mother wouldn't be pleased that she missed her curfew. She tried to be quick as she didn't want to run into anyone but then suddenly she was grabbed from behind by a dark figure.

She tried to scream but he quickly put tape over her mouth as he dragged her a dark alley near the diner. The young blonde struggled against his strong hold as he held her in place with one arm, pressing her against the wall and opening her jeans with the other arm. She screamed and struggled even more. She was terrified. This couldn't be happening. She still tried to get away but to no avail. Rosalie was trapped.

The teenager cried as the stranger forced himself on her. She felt numb and so dirty. She was so ashamed of herself. Her mother had always warned her about walking around in the dark but she didn't listen and now this. She felt so lost.

After a few minutes he finally stopped and pulled her jeans up again and looked at her. "If you scream it will be worse." He told her and Rosalie recognised his voice. She was terrified. Trying to stay somewhat calm, she nodded and he finally removed the tape and then left.

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