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Enchanted Forest, many years ago:

Regina stood on the balcony outside her chambers, a hand on her large baby bump. She hated being stuck in this castle with the king and Snow White but at least she would have her baby soon. The baby that would just be hers. She would make sure of it that Leopold wouldn't be involved in her baby's life.

Suddenly she heard someone enter her chambers and sighed as she turned around and saw her stepdaughter. She really wasn't in the mood to deal with the girl but she had to keep up the act. So the young queen put on a smile and walked towards Snow White. "Snow, dear, what are you doing here?" She asked, trying not to sound rude.

Snow White smiled at her stepmother. She adored Regina and looked up to her. The little girl also couldn't wait to be a big sister. "I wanted to see you and well the baby." She explained and pointed to her pregnant belly.

Nodding, the queen sat down on her bed and waved Snow over to her. "Come here." She said softly and let Snow sit beside her and let her cuddle up to her and feel her baby bump. Just when Snow touched her bump the baby began to move as if sensing the presence of her big sister.

Snow smiled and gasped when she felt a kick. "Aww, it kicked. Do you think it will be a boy or girl?" She asked curiously and smiled up at her. She couldn't wait to be a big sister.

Regina sighed. She already knew it would be a girl due to a prophecy from Rumple. A beautiful daughter, the most beautiful girl under the sun. However, she knew everyone expected her to have a boy, an heir to the throne. That was part of the reason she would make sure to keep Leopold away from her baby. "I think it will be a girl. But your father wants to have a boy." She admitted and looked at her stepdaughter. As much as she wanted to hate the girl, she couldn't really bring herself to fully hate her.

Snow nodded slowly. A little sister would be perfect but she also knew that Regina was expected to have a son. "A sister would be perfect. Do you already have a name in mind?" She questioned and gently rubbed the baby bump.

"Henry for a boy. After my father. And for a girl I was thinking Rapunzel. A unique name like yours." The young brunette explained though she was sure the King wouldn't agree with her choices.

"Rapunzel. I like it." The princess said and giggled slightly. She really couldn't wait to be a big sister.

Regina smiled softly though the smile didn't quite reach her eyes. She was scared that Leopold would do something to the baby. She needed to protect her child but she wasn't quite sure how she would do that. She needed a plan.

"I'm sure you'll be a great big sister." She told her stepdaughter but then looked away as she felt a harsh kick. She gently rubbed her belly to calm the baby. The baby probably sensed her fear. The young queen need to calm down so she wouldn't stress the baby.

"Are you alright?" Snow asked worriedly as she noticed her stepmother was clearly uncomfortable.

Regina nodded slowly and waved it off. "I'm alright. The baby just likes to kick it seems. Nothing to worry about. Are you excited for the Christmas ball coming up?" She questioned, trying to change the subject.

A big smile appeared on Snow White's face at that. She was so excited for the ball. "Oh yes. I'm so excited. I love my new dress that I'm going to wear. What are you going to wear?" She asked curiously. She was sure Regina would look beautiful like always. To her, Regina really was the fairest of them all but everyone kept saying that she was.

Regina shrugged her shoulders. She hadn't really thought about it yet and it really didn't matter since she was sure her outfit had already been chosen by her maids. She didn't want to attract too much attention to herself and her pregnancy anyway. "I don't know. Probably something green or red. Fitting for christmas." She explained and smiled.

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