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My eyes widened when I saw the same boy that I saw yesterday, that boy that saved me from falling in the mud.

A piece of his dark brown hair that almost look black was falling down from his forehead as his dark green eyes were looking at me. I swear I got lost in them.

"Yeah, it's me" I said a little confuse, trying not to sound like he haven't been on my mind since I saw him for the first time, 'cause that would be creepy, right?

"I don't know if you remember me, but I--" "Yeah, you are the one that saved me from falling" I cut him off "Yeah" he let out a smile, probably glad that I remember him.

I looked into his dark green eyes again, they were staring right back at me. I almost got lost in them again.

"Can I sit?" he pointed on the chair in front of me "Be my guest" I smiled and he took a sit in front of me before putting his cup on the table in front of him.

"I'm Aidan" he stretched out his hand towards me so I could snake it "I'm Y/n" I smiled as I shook his hand.

As soon as our hands touch, an electric feeling ran through my body at the contact of our skin. It was like static electricity, but in a good way. A way that it made my neck heat up and a blush arrive on my cheeks.

The way he flinch for a second, I think that he felt it too.

Our eyes locked and we blinked a few times with our eyes before we pulled our hands away from each other.

"Y/n, that is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he said with a kind smile which 'cause me to blush a bit.

"Sorry about yesterday, I feel stupid to just run like that. But I was running late" I said "I thought it was me" he chuckled "No, not at all. I was running late and also I'm bit shy sometimes, I'm sorry for running away like a coward" I said "I don't think you were a coward" he said and I smiled while I blush a bit.

"Thank you for caughting me" I said "You're welcome, I was walking out of a Café when I saw you slip and I couldn't just pretend I didn't see it, beside I like helping people" he said.

"Well, thank you" I nodded "No mention it. I'm actually glad that you are okay" he said "Well, got a bit wet, but I think everyone that was out at that moment got wet too" I said "I did" we both chuckled. He had a cute chuckled. My whole body felt warm and was lighting up by just hearing it.

"I don't know if you remember" he scratch the back of his head "But we actually saw each other---" "Two times before that" I cut him off which 'cause him to look at me "Yeah, first time was at the beach" he said "And the second was at the Starbuck" I said and he nodded.

JUST AN ORDINARY GIRL  (Aidan Gallagher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now