I can't lose him again

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Five stepped outside to get some fresh air when a blue portal opened up. A girl with h/l h/c hair laid on the ground and lifted her head to reveal y/e/c eyes.



Five embraced the girl and rubbed her back.
"I thought I lost you" she sobbed, clutching his back.

"Shhh. It's ok. I'm here." He assured her. He then cupped her cheeks and kissed her. She slightly deepened the kiss and ran her hands through his hair as he held her waist.

"Five? What're you doing? Who is that?" Luther questioned, appearing out of nowhere, apparently searching for Five.

Five stood up and wrapped an arm around Y/n's waist as he proudly beamed, "This is Y/n. My wife."

"What do you mean wife?! You're only fifteen, you can't possibly be married! And where'd she even come from?!" Luther exclaimed.

Y/n gasped as she turned to Five, tears welling up in her eyes and rolling down her cheeks.
"Does that mean that..?"

With tears in his eyes Five replied, "I think so."

"Oh I'm so scared Five, what if it happens again?" Y/n sobbed as she pulled Five close and buried her head in his chest as they wrapped their arms around each other.

"It's ok, shh. I'll make sure nothing happens, ok? This time we can go to a hospital and I won't teleport you at all in case that could do something." He comforted as tears ran down his cheeks.

"But what if something does happen?" The girl sobbed, "I don't think I could take it. I can't lose him again."

"Hey, hey, look at me. We'll get through this together, ok? And we won't lose him again. I promise."

"I'm sorry, did I miss something? What the heck is going on?" Luther asked, clearly puzzled.

"I'll explain inside." Five replied leading Y/n inside and sitting next to her on the bed. He took a deep breath and squeezed her hand before starting. "When Y/n and I were fifteen in the apocalypse, after we were married for about a year, Y/n got pregnant. A-and" Five took a shuddering breath "A few days after Y/n gave birth, our beautiful baby boy died."

Luther just stared with a dumbfounded expression at the couple clutching each other.

"So now that we're in our fifteen year old bodies, it means that Y/n is pregnant again and our baby has a chance to live." Five finished, burying his face in Y/n's neck and lovingly stroking her hair.

"Well shoot. Wait, wait, wait. How did Y/n even get here and why didn't you bring her with you? And how did she survive the apocalypse, does she have powers, why does she look like a kid?"

"Basically, he tried to jump us both but I was knocked out by a fire extinguisher. When I woke up I had to use our dented briefcase which resulted in this." Y/n gestured to herself, "And as far as powers, I have none. I was locked in an underground bunker which is why I survived the apocalypse. That explanation is going to have to do for now because I am exhausted and need to sleep."

Y/n laid down and Five pulled the covers over them as she snuggled into his chest and he wrapped his arms around her waist.

A/n for anyone confused, in the introduction when I said I wanted to make a story that was as inclusive as possible while still having elements that I wanted, I was referring to the reader being pregnant.

Please continue to let me know what you think and I look forward to future chapters

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