Chapter 11: Minion Gyatt

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You told everyone what was needed to be done next in order to achieve your goal. You all had to climb to the 45th floor within 24 hours. Shannon-Chan decided to make it easier on everyone else by sucking them all into her titty-pocket. You requested to stay put and not go in there, because you didn't want your wife to be alone.

Then there you were, Shannon-Chan and you. There was silence between you two as you started walking, and by the time you were a few floors up, Shannon was dying to get some kind of conversation going.

"So... Does it hurt?" She asked you, climbing up the steps to yet another floor. You shook your head.

"Nah... It's okay." You said.

After a little while longer of silence, she asked: "What's on your mind then? What's troubling you?"

You sighed. "I don't know if I want to talk about it." You said.

"Is it about Bill? Or Corn Pop? Or Cena?" She asked. You shook your head.

"No... It's about me." You said. "I think there's something wrong with me."

"It's probably not so bad," She said. "C'mon, what is it?"

"I'm thinking about turning back. Afterall, is... is blue waffle really worth all of this shit? Bill drowned and Corn Pop got really hurt. I don't know if I want to put you guys through this."

She slapped you across the face so hard that your tanghulu dick un-sheathed itself from your body.

"Blue waffle is EVERYTHING!! Do you have any idea how many people have started wars and DIED because of it?? WAY TOO MANY TO COUNT!!" She growled. "The thing you don't understand is that blue waffle is the center of all life!! Only people who have been molested by God himself have the blue waffle; that's why it's so precious!! Do you understand?? Blue waffle is EVERYTHING. That's why I'm here with you. I want to see it at least once in my lifetime. And trust me, I've been living a very long time."

You recoiled and rubbed your cheek halfway through her sentence. "Gahh.. I'm sorry, jeez." You mumbled. "So wait... How long have you been living, exactly?"

Shannon sighed, and started counting on her fingers. "Ah... Like a thousand years or so." She said, scratching her neck. "...And trust me, being a werewolf hasn't been the easiest life. I get shot at a lot. I've been shitting on people's floors to get their dogs in trouble for a long time... They called me "chupacabra" once, which means "dog-fucker", I think.. I'm where all those werewolf myths came from, I'm pretty sure."

"Wow..." You said. "But wait... How did you become a werewolf to begin with?"

You guys were now on the 20th floor. She sighed. "..My sister. She made a bet with this werewolf guy to fuck me for 40 dollars. And, well.. 40 dollars wasn't a joke back then. But the werewolf ended up biting me, so now here I am, a thousand years later."

"Damn..." You said. "So you've been wandering the earth ever since?"

"Yep..." She said. "That's basically it."

"And yet here you are, a thousand years old and helping me snatch Biden's blue waffle." You blushed. "That must mean my mission is important..."

She nodded. "It is."

You blushed harder. "You look really good for being a thousand years old, though... I wish I knew how my cock worked, because I would go ape shit on your ass right now if I could."

"Shh." She said, her ears perking up a bit. "Something's on the next floor... And there are a lot of them."

It was the 34th floor. The produce section. You climbed the stairs and opened the door, only to find a sea of yellow asscheeks rolling over each other and assembling chains of about 20 of them at a time. Each one was fucking another one in the ass while simultaneously getting fucked.

"Should I pull Shrek out here?? Look in my chest." She said. You looked inside her chest and saw the Ogre pummeling Donkey's asscheeks while the rest of them watched.

"He's kinda busy!!" You said.

She sighed. "Then get out your sword."

And you did. But when the yellow little shits saw you, they paid no mind and continued giving each other the nastiest backshots you've ever seen in your whole life. You put the sword away.

"Huh... Okay, then." You said. You guys crept past them and made your way to the door. But on your way out, you saw a very tall, bald man skewering several of those yellow little shits on his big pointed nose at a time.


The minions said "Aww" in disappointment all at the same time, but continued their strange task all the while.

You and Shannon went onto the next floor, and bam... There you were. On the 45th floor. Though, it should have been called the 35th floor, but ehhh... That's okay.

And BAM. Immediately, you saw an elderly lady with strange hair, as well as an elderly man with cheeto-dusted skin. Obama was also there, twirling his 40-inch dick like a lasso and staring at you with a shit-eating grin.

Shannon's ears folded backwards. "...Hillary?"

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