"Iwase." He turned flat eyes on the person.

"Mitsugi." She smiled a little.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, taking her gaze away from him. He shrugged.

"Ran a while. I'm thirsty so here I am."


"Are you well?" At his question, she glanced up quickly.

"Ah.. yes! Um... Just came from hanging out with Rae..." Hm. He hadn't asked her to tell him her business but the mention of Rae made his lip twitch in the slightest smile.

"That so?"


"Hm." He turned from her and put the bottles of water on the counter and quickly paid for them.

"Iwase!" He stopped but didn't turn his head.

"Rae... Rae's really fragile you know. She may act like she is okay but... sometimes the mask cracks and the faults start to show. From one of her friends to another... I want to ask you something."

"That is?"

"I'd like not to talk to the back of your head." He turned around to look her straight in the eye.

"What is your purpose?" He sighed audibly and fought not to roll his eyes.

"You're like the rest. Always questioning my motive."

"Can you blame me? You're the most popular guy in this city. Girls flock to you. And dudes envy you like nobody's business. It's only natural to question why a dude like you would choose Rae out of all girls to get close to."

"Let's get one thing straight. I didn't choose her. She choose me."

"Okay. You've chosen her since."

"Why are you like this Mitsugi? Honestly, I'm starting to grow annoyed."

"I'm in your business for Rae's sake. I really care about her. I don't doubt you have good intentions but with your reputation, anybody would be skeptical. If you're really down for Rae, promise me one thing..."

"What is it?"

"Promise that when her mask cracks and she feels like she cannot make it that you will be there for her. No matter what. Just go to her when she needs you." He looked into her eyes and saw that she was almost pleading him. She was fiercely loyal to Rae and it pleased him to see that.

"I give you my word Mitsugi." She looked satisfied and took a breath.

"Well then I think I got in your grill enough tonight. You're a good guy Iwase."


"See you then."

"See you." He watched her leave the mart and get into a car. Soon she drove off. Mitsugi Aiko was something else. Another bomb, much like Rae. He wasn't sure what he thought about her completely but he could say this: She was just as deadly as she was beautiful.

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