"You wouldn't dare..." He turned around with the quickness, his cheeks growing warm with anger. She giggled, her eyes aglow with glee.

"Oh, I would. I may even succeed this time." He clenched his fists.

"This has nothing to do with Rae. Why even mess with her?"

"She decided to take you from me. I tried to be nice. But she just didn't know when to quit. And now she's gone too far. I can never forgive her. So," She leaned back against the glass, arms crossed.

"Sleep with me."

"I'd rather die."

"Think of what is at stake here Hiroto. I can have her disposed of with one phone call. She'll never see it coming. You wouldn't dare let anything happen to her. I know you... even under the ice you're warm. How would you sleep at night knowing I got rid of her?"

"You don't fucking know me. Or of what I can do." His eyes had grown dark with fury.

"You don't really know what I can do to you." At the tone of his voice, she shivered and grinned.

"Show me." The water turned cold. He looked into her eyes, her body trembling. Mouth shut, he turned off the water. Repulsion prickled his skin and he felt the moment he receded into his psyche and became numb. Grabbing her, he pushed her out of the shower and shoved her down on the bathroom floor. She groaned as he roughly came into her, holding her body down so that she could not move.

"I missed you. I knew you'd come back to me..." He dug his fingers into her hair and pressed her head against the floor, crushing her lips into the marble. He didn't want to hear her talk. Somewhere in between the sickness rising in his stomach and her wild screams, he felt his eyes water. He felt empty. Turning his gaze away from her, he caught them in the bathroom mirror, the fog starting to clear. The sight of what they were doing made him want to vomit.

"I hate you." He spoke, his voice almost too calm. But inside, he was screaming. She mumbled against the floor but he quickly shut her up. She grabbed the rug on the floor and wailed as she orgasmed. He pulled out of her suddenly, the pain of no release hitting him in the stomach. It was nothing compared to the pain in his chest. In his head. Letting her hair go, he stood up, leaving her there on the floor. Wrapping a towel around his waist, he stepped over her body and left the bathroom, his body shaking. Alone, the tears fell and he sobbed quietly, hugging himself.


Four and a half weeks had passed and not one word from Hiroto. It was funny how time had flown by. It seemed like forever. She had fell back into the routine and gotten up in the morning and went to school everyday. She sat in her seat and the expectation to see him sitting behind her never quite went away. She was starting to get the lessons a bit more and was proud to share the news with Minako. But if she were honest, she would be lying if she said she did not miss Hiroto.

She wanted to call him and hear his voice. She missed his jokes. His laughter. She missed the stupid little grin he got on his face when he said something cheeky. She missed him. His scent. His presence. His whole being. She felt like she had been going through a withdrawal and it was sad that she had grown so attached to him. But she didn't regret it. She wondered how he had spent the four weeks going on five. By the end of this week, it would mark a full month and a week since they had last seen, talked to or been around each other.

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