Requiem of Yesterday

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Their relentless, inhuman aggression and their vacant, unnaturally white eyes create an atmosphere of unrelenting dread.

The air is heavy with a foreboding presence and the sight of these undead beings strikes terror and pierces through the very soul of anyone who bears witness.

They were the end.


"Dr.Sullivan?" The voice boomed throughout the pitch-black room.

"Yeah." Elijah pulled his head up from the metal desk he had laid it upon.

His makeshift pillow wasn't limited to desks. Basically anything he could lean on or have any stability to. Sophia never enjoyed it as much as he did. Especially a parent-teacher conference night about why Willy is sleeping through every lesson, it's not very hard to see where he gets it from. Even Elijah would agree, thankfully Sarah takes after her mom, sleep is only in bed. Not during parent-teacher conferences, not during business meetings, not during a fundraiser activity for Sarah's volleyball team, not during a dinner out, not at the wheel on the road to the parent-teacher conference or a business meeting or a fundraiser for Sarah's volleyball team or to a dinner out.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, doctor." The dark voice spoke again. "You were asleep for a couple hours. It's 4:39 in the morning."

"Yeah..." Elijah looked around, the entire room looked the same. Pure darkness enveloping every line of sight Elijah was offered. "What's with the interrogation tactics? I'm still not trusted?"

"Dr.Sullivan, you have a choice to being here. You are aware of this, correct? You are after all one of the most respected scientists known."

"Mhm..." Elijah nodded, pushing his black framed glasses up in a futile act of helping himself see better. "it just would be nice to see around me."

The room was dark, not a single sign of light.

Everything was cold. From the air, to the chair he was sitting in and the desk he had his hands on.

"Dr.Sullivan, I'm afraid it has come to these terms, but your security files from your past involvement in government projects-"

"One government project for the CDC." Elijah corrected. "You should know that."

"That project from your past leaves you out of some necessary information about the project you have been called for." The man continued.

"I'm glad to know how my country treats 'one of the most respected scientists known'." Elijah scoffed. "You're not setting up a great sales pitch."

"We are not the government, doctor." The man chuckled.

"Then why do my yelp reviews from the government concern you so badly?" Elijah was quick to question.

"Credibility is all that matters here, doctor." The man replied. "No one is above trust and blind trust isn't the best idea for something like this."

"Okay," Elijah nodded. "so you spun a wheel and landed on me? 'The wheel of overqualified biologists'?"

"Your participation was requested by someone who has deeply admired your work in the past and can vouch for you."

"Okay, the good stuff now, please."

"We are in charge of a project. A project so classified, the CDC won't be able to have their hands on it."

"No shit?" Elijah questioned. "What is it? A disease? Who do you work for?"

"My name is Marcus Harris, agent of the SERO."

"T-The what?" Elijah squinted his eyes to try to recall such a name. "Government funded?"

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