The men's boots were taking him back to the door. For a split moment, a brunette was left with her own wave of anger, emotions, and lack of thinking. Somewhere far away, the mixture of voices was echoing in the hangar, as Graves's laughter seemed to enter even the container. The door closed behind him, as Phillip came back to his evening entertainment. His mouth was motionless, as none of the words were escaping into the air. The sharp blade of the combat knife blinked and caught the light on its surface. The sudden feeling as if there was a lump stuck in her throat took Amelia over, for a moment, a brunette couldn't help but think about the final goodbyes to the people she loved as the distance between the two was shortening with each step of the man's legs.

"Can't hear you, doll," Graves was standing behind the old wooden chair where an officer was spending the last few days. His voice seemed to be everywhere in the room, trapping her inside the cage as the commander was playing his own game. The cold blade touched the soft skin of the woman's neck, as they both knew that one wrong movement of his hand could turn Phillip into the reaper, as he had her life inside of his hands.

"Thank you," Amelia whispered, feeling the drops of cold sweat of fear forming on her forehead. There was nothing she could do with her hands and legs tied to the wooden chair, as the blade seemed to be leaving a mark on her neck which Knight would remember for a long time.

"Thank you, Commander Graves," Phillip lowered his face, almost whispering his words one after another into her ear. The silence was keeping its tight grip around the two, as the man kept the knife in his arm, holding his own control over anything that could happen inside of the container.

"Thank you, Commander Graves," Her eyes were looking into the darkness as if she was hoping to see the familiar faces appear out of nowhere. But instead, Knight was alone in the room with her own nightmare. The blade finally left her skin, and Phillip let out a chuckle of satisfaction echo in the tight space of the container.

The physical pain was nothing compared to the feeling of discus a brunette felt when pronouncing his name. Amelia couldn't help but feel as if her whole body was thrown into the dirt, feeling the choking feeling cope up to her throat. But instead, her body remained motionless. A brunette wanted to let out a loud scream full of pain and cry until there were no more tears in her body to cry out. But she knew, that any emotions her struggle would bring nothing but joy to Graves. He wanted to break her into a thousand pieces mentally, but not physically. Phillip was always getting anything he wanted, using the different technics that were mostly ethical, except for the special cases. He watched over Amelia, wondering how long she could hold under the pressure. At the back of his mind, Graves knew 141 would show up without an invitation at the gate of the base once again, looking for her and to get his head. But before that could even happen, the commander had to finish his own mission.

"Looks like your friends aren't rushing to save you, Amelia," Phillip leaned against the rough metal wall of the container, as the gaze of his blue eyes fell on the watch that was wrapped around his wrist.

The evening was slowly turning into the night. Graves thought about his schedule for tomorrow and silently exhaled the tiredness into the air. It was a long day for him, but the night had to be even longer for Amelia. The commander's heavy boots were touching the concrete ground of the hangar as if they tried to make a stop for a quick moment. Phillip finally stopped, catching the look of the woman's tired brown eyes on his scared face.

"You can stay here as long as you want, doll," The man lowered on his knees, making the two stay at the same height, so the woman would have no other place to look at but his face. It felt as if Graves was forcing the eye contact between them, as his finger touched her cheek, wiping the trail of blood off the porcelain skin of the officer's face. "I have plenty of time to listen to anything useful you can get out of your pretty head."

Phillip didn't need any more time to show him that a woman sitting opposite him was not willing to speak to him that evening. As he got up, the man's body was towered over the officer's bringing the feeling of intimidation into her mind, as Graves felt nothing but the control that was sitting on the sleeves of his dark uniform. A soft smirk sat on the edges of the commander's thin lips, right until the chaotic and loud knocks on the metal door caught the attention of the two.

"Commander, we need you. Now!" The tall silhouette of one of the shadows appeared in the dim lights of the night, as the metal door swung open. Graves looked back at a brunette, before leaving her in the darkness once again.

The loud sound of the siren ran through the whole base screaming about the danger to every building and every single soldier. The sudden urge to fight took a woman over, as she was trying to escape the captivity of the rope over her wrists and use the only chance Knight had in the last couple of days to escape. Suddenly, in a room full of desperation and darkness, a ray of hope was born in the furthest corner.

WOW, chapter 50 already. Hope you're enjoying the ride!

Don't fear the reaper - Captain John PriceWhere stories live. Discover now