Chapter 4 - The Uzumaki

Comenzar desde el principio

"Tatsu-kun will be staying with us for a little while." Mito said. "After his test, he'll be an official Leaf shinobi."

Tsunade frowned.

This meant that this guy was likely here to stay if she was becoming a shinobi.

"Why?" Tsunade looked at her grandmother.

Mito glanced at Yoshitatsu before speaking.

"Let's enjoy our meal, first." She said, picking up her chopsticks. "Tatsu-kun has worked hard and eager to try such delicious smelling food."

Tsunade's frown deepened and she looked at Yoshitatsu, who had started to eat.

He even ate elegantly.

Tsunade reluctantly picked up her chopsticks and started to eat.

At the first bite, her brows shot up in surprise.

She subconsciously looked at the guy across the table from her.

"Wow, onii-chan." Nawaki seemed equally surprised and beamed at the red head. "This is really good! Even better than obaachan's!"

"Nawaki!" Tsunade hissed at him.

"No, he's right." Mito chuckled and looked at Yoshitatsu. "You can just stay in our compound, you know. We have plenty of room for both you and Kushina."

Tsunade ears perked at her words.

'So that's why he's here...' she thought to herself. 'Wait...who's Kushina?'

The more she listened to them talk, the more irritated she became.

Then finally, she exploded....


She slammed her chopsticks on the table, making everyone jump.

All eyes fell on her as she stood up.

"Tsunade Senju!" Mito looked angry.

"What the hell is going on?!" Tsunade stood her ground. "Why is this guy here and who the hell is Kushina?"

Mito felt her temper flare and was about to give Tsunade a good tongue lashing when Yoshitatsu stopped her.

He placed a hand on her shoulder and shook his head.

Once he saw Mito simmer down, he turned to Tsunade who was glaring at him.

"Can you please sit back down?" Yoshitatsu said calmly. "We can talk while we eat."

"I don't want your damn food." Tsunade sneered. "I want answers!"

"And you'll get them." Yoshitatsu said. "But please respect your family and finish your meal."

Tsunade glanced at her brother and grandmother.

With a sneer, she went to get another set of chopsticks before sitting back down at the table.

She took a bite of her food and stared at him.

"Start talking." She said after swallowing her food.

Yoshitatsu nodded.

He poured everyone except Nawaki a glass of plum wine, much to the little guy's annoyance.

"Take a sip. It's my baachan's homemade recipe." He raised his cup to drink.

Mito followed suit and Tsunade was right behind her.

"It's really good!" Mito said happily.

Yoshitatsu smiled.

Tsunade just downed it in one go.

"To answer your question, Tsunade-san, Kushina is the next jinchuriki of the Nine Tails'." Yoshitatsu said.

"She will be arriving in the village next year. I'm here as her guardian and care taker. They needed someone they could trust and had enough knowledge in fuinjutsu in case something goes wrong with seal. With the Shodaime gone, there's no one else that can keep the beast at bay in the event it gets out."

Tsunade slowly took in the information before she finally turned to look at Mito.

"Obaachan...." She frowned. "What will happen to you?"

Mito didn't answer at first and finished her wine.

She looked at Nawaki before looking at Tsunade.

"When the Kyuubi is extracted and sealed into its new host, I will die." Mito replied.

A solemn silence fell over the table.

Nawaki suddenly stood, looking at his grandmother with watery eyes.

"You can't..." he said in disbelief, raising his voice. "You can't! You can't die, obaachan! You can't leave us!"

"It's nearly my time, child." Mito said sadly. "We all have to meet the Shinigami one day."

"But I haven't become Hokage yet!" Nawaki had tears running down his face. "It's not fair!"

He left the table and ran away outside.

Mito felt her heartbreak and places a hand over her heart.

Tsunade hadn't said a word, frozen in her seat.

She couldn't process the fact that the only person in their life. Their last immediate relative....was leaving them.

"There another reason Yoshitatsu is here. Something that he left out." Mito broke the silence. "Tsunade, meet your fiancé."

At the sound of fiancé, Tsunade's head snapped toward Mito.

Her eyes then fell on Yoshitatsu.

"What?" She said dumbly.

"He is your fiancé." Mito repeated. "Your betrothed."

Tsunade was quiet for a long time.

So many emotions flashed across her face.

There was so much going through her head, she felt overwhelmed.

The blonde slowly stood.

"I'm going to bed." She said.

She left them in the dining room and made her way upstairs.

A minute later, a door slammed shut.

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