August 30th 1976

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When Alex said they would have to go to London to get her school supplies Davina expected a flight or maybe even a boat ride to England. The last thing she expected was to be thrown through space in something Alex called "apparition".

Davina stumbled in an attempt to regain her balance after the nauseating trip she had just taken, grabbing onto Alex. "A little heads up might be nice in the future." she slurred while rolling her eyes.

"To be honest I just wanted to see your reaction" Alex laughed out.

Davina looks at the world around them that is slowly ceasing to spin. And it was amazing. It almost reminded her of back home in New York with how many people were running around the stone streets. Something about here was different though. She could feel the magic around her, could feel it flowing through her, it felt right like it was always meant to be there.

"We should probably start you off with some less... muggle-looking clothes," Alex said snapping Davina out of her trance.

Davina looked down at her attire, not seeing anything wrong with it. It was a simple skirt, with a tee-shirt and brown leather jacket over it. "What do you mean? Is this not how wizards dress?" Davina asked.

"I mean...not really. Whenever we head into the muggle world absolutely, but other than that nope." Alex responded with a shrug.

"So what do you guys wear?" Davina asked.

"Well, you will be wearing your uniform. So let's gooooo" Alex said while pulling Davina's arm to get her to start walking. Davina resisting as she now feels out of place, with her muggle attire.

The pair enters Madam Malkin's Robes for all Occasions while pulling out the list of items she would need for her first year at Hogwarts. They found themselves getting all of the essentials, waiting to buy any accessories until they knew what house she would be in.

To say the idea of being sorted into a house terrifies Davina would be an understatement. Not only will she be sorted into a house that will basically reflect who she is as a person. She will be entering this house in the 6th year of school when everyone else has known each other for most of their lives.

While she is deep in thought Davina accidentally finds herself bumping into someone. When she looks up to apologize the first thing she notices are his golden brown eyes, strikingly similar to her own. The boy looked to be about her age, with short curly brown hair, and round glasses.

"I am so sorr-" Davina started, anxiously rambling.

"Don't be! It's my fault I was too busy looking at the broom shop next door to notice where I was going!" The boy laughed while rubbing his hand behind his neck.

"Oh! Well, it's totally fine! My name is Davina by the way!" Davina introduced herself.

"James Potter. Nice to meet you! Sorry but do you mind my asking, are you from America? It's just your accent doesn't really sound like you're from here." James laughed.

"Yeah!" Davina replied with a chuckle. "But I'm going to be spending a ton of time here pretty soon. I'm going to be attending Hogwarts this year. Kinda nervous to be honest." Davina laughed while she was looking through the house memorabilia.

"Wait your going to Hogwarts this year? No way I go there!" James said enthusiastically. "What year are you in?" He asked.

"Ummmmm...I think my sixth, I'm not really sure, it's my first time attending a wizarding school so I'm still a little lost." Davina joked.

"Wait you mean you weren't attending Ilvermorny before?" James inquired, his eyebrows involuntarily raising.

"Nope." replied Davina "It's honestly most of the reason I'm so nervous. I feel like I'm going to be so behind." Davina let out a breath releasing the worries she has held ever since she got her letter. She couldn't figure out what it was about the boy in front of her, but she found herself opening up to him in ways she had never been able to before.

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that my mates and I can help you with that." James smiled. "Not to brag, but we are the top in our year." He stated slightly puffing out his chest.

"Thanks, I might just have to take you up on that." Davina laughed.

"Hey Davina which one do you think would make me look sexi-" Alex stared before she realised James was present.

"Ummmm, hi there!" Alex said as she reached out her hand to shake James'. "I'm Alex, Davina's mom! It's so nice to see she already made a friend!" Alex gushed.

"Alex. Enough." Davina said in a hushed tone.

"You're right Davina we really should be going, we still have a shit ton of ground to cover." Alex sighed as she grabbed Davina's hand and the pair began to leave.

"It was really nice to meet you, James! See you in a couple days!" Davina said to James over her shoulder as she was leaving the store.

Alex had decided that next, they would be going to Ollivander's Wand Shop to find her wand. Wand. Davina is still in awe that this is all real. Every morning since she got her letter she expects to wake up to find it has all been a dream. The two walk into the wand shop and Davina's jaw drops to the ground.

In every square inch of the shop are people trying out their wands, magic being used everywhere you look. And Davina cannot wait for this next chapter of her life to begin.

**Authors Note***
Hey, guysss. Been a hot second. I swear I'm going to try and be more consistent I just have had a shit ton of work for school.

Anyway here is what I imagined Davina's outfit to look like. Minus the wand, I have a plan for that ;)

 Minus the wand, I have a plan for that ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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