August 29th 1976

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    Davina wakes up is immediately attacked by the worst hangover since... well since the last time she went out. If there is one thing her friends know how to do well it is throw a party, they have been planning this final farewell ever since they heard she would be spending the better part of the next year in what they believe to be a fancy boarding school in Scotland.

What they don't know is that one week ago the apartment, home to Davina Hart, was flooded with letters brought by owls inviting Davina to a magical boarding school in Scotland. Like any other sane person to find themselves in this situation would, Davina thought she was going insane. By the time her foster parents, (parents being a loose term as they are barely old enough to rent a car) Alex and Doug get home they find Davina crying in a corner clutching her cat, Vega, for dear life.

After lying in bed for the better part of an hour Davina finds the will to roll herself out of bed. Stumbling out of her room, while half-hazardly throwing her hair into a messy bun as she makes her way into the kitchen. Flinching at the pounding in her head at the sound of laughter coming from her destination.

Making her way into the kitchen she holds up her index finger to Alex and Doug who watch as she makes her way to the coffee machine. While pouring herself coffee she grabs the pain medication off the counter hoping to ease the pounding in her head. 

" may speak again". Davina mutters as she hops up to sit on the counter pinching between her eyes and lifting one leg onto the counter as she begins to drink her black coffee, waiting for the medication to kick in. "Oh wow Doug!" Alex sarcastically exclaims. "Davina herself has allowed us to speak! Can you believe it!"

"Oh my! Never did i think ever think i would be granted such a thing!" Teases Doug, as Davina holds up her middle finger to them both while wearing a sarcastic smile on her face.

"And this is why I can't wait to leave the two of you behind." Davina mutters under her breath in a failed attempt to speak to herself, as Alex and Doug make their way over to her and hold her in a bear hug.

"Awwwww don't lie to your self" Alex fakes a pout. "You know you will miss us, we are like totally the best people you have ever met" she teases.

Davina knows Alex is just messing around but she can't help but wonder if Alex knows just how much truth lies behind her words. In her sixteen years of being on this planet Davina has lived in twelve different foster homes, some better than others. But no one had treated Davina as well as Alex and Doug. Sure, they weren't really parents, more like older siblings but who needs parents am i right. Parents would not have let her go out and get drunk with her friends last night now would they.

And despite how much she loves the two people currently suffocating her she loves her personal space even more, Davina puts a hand to each of their faces and pushes them away. "Aaaaaand that's enough of that" She remarked. "Besides, don't act like the two of you won't loooove having some alone time around here" Davina teases while she raising her eyebrows up and down.

Alex and Doug have been best friends since childhood however they did not really catch the drift they were into each other until Alex had her first serious boyfriend their senior year of high school. Now, the full story is not known but from what i have gathered it ended with her ex-boyfriend and Doug fist fighting in a school fountain. Needless to say the two of them fell in love soon after and got married when they were both twenty three. Which is just about when Davina came into the picture. Let's just say she really needed them after her last house.

"Please we have plenty of alone time as it is with you being out with your friends all the time."  Alex remarked while rolling her eyes. It's true Davina had turned into somewhat of a social butterfly ever since moving to the big apple. She loved everything there was to New York, but especially the kinds of people here.

"You know we should really head over to Diagon Alley to get you some school supplies" Alex mentioned while reaching into a cabinet to get herself a cup of coffee. "I think they may also have a potion or two for that nasty hangover you got there" she teased while tossing a wink Davina's way.

"Yeah right nice try, like that's a thing" Davina laughed, however she soon stopped when she noticed that Alex and Doug were being serious.

Something else you should know about the two adults is they are also from the wizarding world, and to say they were shocked to find a letter stating Davina was a witch and is to attend Hogwarts is an understatement. However neither of them know much about Hogwarts or anything really about the English wizarding world in general as they both attended Ilvermorny, the wizarding school in the Sates.

That fact is something that has been bothering Davina since her letter was first delivered. Why on earth was she going to a school in Scotland? Wouldn't it make more sense for her to go to school here in the States? And from what Doug and Alex had told her most people start that school when they are eleven so why was she getting her letter five years late? But i mean what did she know, before last week she did not even know magic existed let alone the fact she was a witch.

"Okay i am never gonna get used to this whole potions and magic are real thing." Davina huffed as she jumped off the counter and headed toward her room to get ready to head to Diagon Alley.

*Authors Notes*
Hello! I am so excited to be writing this story for you all!
This is also my first attempt at writing anything ever so im sorry if its terrible
This is what i imagined Davinas room to look like

*Authors Notes*Hello! I am so excited to be writing this story for you all! This is also my first attempt at writing anything ever so im sorry if its terrible This is what i imagined Davinas room to look like

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And this is the kitchen

And this is the kitchen

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Again. Thank you for reading i hope you have enjoyed!

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