Chapter 1, Straw Hats

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Zoro was just trying to clean his swords when he found himself tackled by a certain fun-loving captain. "Oi," Zoro grumbled as he tried to keep the sharp blades from cutting anyone or anything. All he got in response, though, was a cheeky giggle. Just as he was about to start yelling disciplining Luffy, the young captain's face suddenly became oddly solemn.

"Hey, did ya know I got a crewmate before you? I think he woulda tried to be your student or somethin cause of how much he liked swords. Probably woulda gotten one of us sliced to bits, though. So maybe it's a good idea he isn't here right now, huh?" Luffy said, laughing loudly with his hand rubbing the back of his head. But that wasn't something Zoro could just let slide.

He grabbed his captain's wrist before he could wander off, "What do you mean there was another crewmate? Where'd he go?" If they had some mysterious crewmate, especially one that liked swordsmanship, Zoro was determined to meet them. All he got in response, aside from an irritatingly-goofy smile, was simply "I dunno!"

Then, Luffy fell back and plopped right down in front of Zoro- nearly sitting on his leg in the process. "His name's Diggory, but everyone just called him Diggy!" He started talking immediately, almost before he was actually situated on the grass. "He loved all kinds of sharp things, specially swords, but couldn't use them worth a damn. He was always, like, super respectful towards them though- even to the dingy knives used to cut up fish and stuff. I once asked him about it, and then I had to sit there forever listening to him talk about the God of Loyalty."

Zoro could only raise an eyebrow at that, God of Loyalty? "Never heard of someone like that." Luffy's response, of course, was just to laugh louder. "Course you haven't! I'm pretty sure Diggy made him up, but that doesn't really matter. He was real to Diggy, so he's real to me! I'm sure you'll like his story, too! He apparently watches out for all warriors and basically anyone loyal, it's his whole thing. Hold on- let me get into character."

For a few moments, Zoro watched with amusement as Luffy tried to puff himself up while simultaneously straightening his clothing- like some kind of announcer.

"Many years ago, long before the Gods hid away from people, two men wandered the realm. One shone as bright as the sun and brought laughter everywhere he went. The other was like the moon in comparison, always kinda gloomy and cold, but oh so calm. One day, the Sunny Man vanished while the Moon Man was out hunting. The Moon was so worried that he became enraged, ripping apart the mountains and lakes in search of his dear friend. Eventually, the Moon found his friend hidden away in a cave with a bunch of scary giants surrounding him, holding sticks of fire and angry expressions. The Moon tried to reach his friend, but without much luck. Any time he got too close- he'd be burned. Eventually he turned to others for help, people the pair had befriended on their adventures. One person, a woman with lava for hair and skin as dark as coal, said she could turn the Moon Man into a weapon himself so he could defeat his foes without fear. Without hesitation or a second thought, the Moon agreed. For three days and three nights, the Lava-haired woman worked on turning the cold man into a weapon. Over time, his arms sharpened, but his senses dulled. It was like he was floating in nothing- but he refused to give up. By the end of the process, the Moon was nothing more than a blade, sharp and ruthless. Quickly, before he could lose himself completely, he returned to the cave and cut down those waiting there with their flames and grins. With his Sun safely in his grasp, the Moon vowed to all those who would listen in that moment that he would never again abandon his friend to face the dangers of the world alone. In that moment, as if the Gods were acknowledging his vow and ensuring he kept it, the Moon finally lost his senses and fully became a blade. Before he could fall to the ground, his friend's grasp saved him. The Sun immediately recognized his friend and could not stop the tears that filled his eyes. It's said that from that day on- the Sunny Boy still wanders with his steadfast sword by his side, never to be split again."

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