Chapter 41

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"Are you okay?" Katherine asks. She walks towards me and wraps her tiny arms around me. It's odd that her frail arms can feel so comforting.

"Yea, well no. But I will be. Thank you for
making him leave," I tell her and she hugs me tighter, my tears are flowing now and I don't see
and end in sight.

"Don't thank me, Stefan may be my friend but you are my friend too and I don't want him
upsetting you. I am sorry, this is all my fault. If I wouldn't have let him come around you all the time. He can be a real dick."

"No, it's not your fault at all. I am sorry, I don't want to come in between your friendship. I just need him to not come to our room anymore."

"Of course, I will get the key back from him. I knew I should have given it to Tyler anyway," she says and I laugh lightly and pull out of her embrace. I appreciate her being here for me more than she will ever know. I feel completely alone, Matt is taking time to consider whether to break up with me or not, Stefan is an asshole, my mother would lose it if I talked to her about this, and Ian would be disappointed. I literally have no one except this girl who's into rock bands and shit who I never expected to become my friend, but I am so glad she did.

"So do you want to talk about it?" She asked and I nod. I do actually, I want to get it all off of my chest.

I tell her everything from the first time I kissed Stefan in his room to the way, our day at the stream, the orgasm I made him have last night, the way he called my name in his sleep, and the way he destroyed every ounce of respect I had for him when he made me tell Matt. Her face goes from concerned to shocked to sad during my story. My shirt is soaked with tears by the time I finish and she is holding my hand.

"Wow, I had no idea that so much happened.
You could have told me after the first time. I knew something was up when Stefan showed up here the night we were going to the movies, I had literally just got off the phone with him,
then he showed up here. I had suspected he
came here to see you, now I knew I was right. Stefan is a good guy, sometimes. I mean deep down he is he just doesn't know how to really care for someone the way that you, well most
girls need to be cared for. If I was you, I would try to make things work with Matt because Stefan isn't capable of being anyone's boyfriend." She says and squeezes my hand. I know everything she is saying is true and she is right, so why does it hurt so bad?

"Do you want to get some ice-cream? There is
a good place right off campus, we can walk," she asks. I wipe my tears and nod. It is only noon and if I sit in this room any longer I will go


Ian is leaning against the brick outside the coffee house waiting for me on Monday morning.

"What happened to your eye?" He has a blue- purple ring around his left eye and now that
I look closer I see another bruise on his cheek.

Realization hits me like a truck. "Ian! Did Stefan do this?" My voice is shaky.

"Yea.." he admits and I am horrified.

"Why? What happened?" I want to kill Stefan
for hurting Ian.

"He stormed out of the house after you left and then came back about an hour later, he was so pissed. He started trying to find more stuff to break so I stopped him. It wasn't so bad actually, I think both of us got a lot of our anger towards each other. I got quite a few good hits on him too," he laughs and my mouth falls open.

I am surprised at Ian's light tone while talking about him and Stefan fighting.

"Are you sure you're okay? Is there anything I can do?" I asked him. I feel like this is my fault, Stefan was mad because of me, but I can't imagine him being mad enough to physically hurt Ian.

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