Chapter 35

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My eyes adjust to the darkness but the only light is a small streak of moonlight coming through the bay window.

"Stefan?" I whisper. I hear him curse as he trips over something and I try not to laugh.

"I'm right here" he says and clicks on the lamp on the desk. I look around the room and it looks like a hotel room. It is large and has a four poster bed with dark linens centered against the far wall, it looks like a king size with at least twenty pillows on top. The desk is an oversized cherry wood desk, the computer sitting on it has a bigger screen than the television in my dorm room. The bay window has a built in bench along the wall and curtain less, the other windows in the room are masked with thick navy curtains do not allow the moon to shine through.

"This is my.. room" he says and rubs the back of his neck with his hand. He looks almost embarrassed.

"You have a room here?" I ask of course he does. It is his father's house and Ian obviously lives here. Ian had mentioned that Stefan never comes here so maybe that is why it looks so museum like, untouched and impersonal.

"Yea.. I haven't ever actually slept in it.. until tonight" he sits on the chest placed at the end of the bed and unties his boots. He pulls his socks off and tucks them into the shoes. My heart swells at the idea that I am part of a first for Stefan.

"Oh. Why is that?" I am taking advantage of his drunken honesty.

"Because I don't want to. I hate it here" he answers quietly and unbuttons his black pants and pulls them down his legs.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting undressed?" He states the obvious.

"I mean why?" I hope he doesn't think I am going to have sex with him. Even though part of me is dying to feel his hands on me again.

"Well I am not sleeping in jeans and boots." He half laughs. His hand sweeps the hair off of his forehead making it stand straight up. Everything he does sends that feeling through my body.

"Oh" he pulls his shirt over his head and I can't look away. His stomach is flawless. He tosses his shirt at me and I don't catch it, letting it fall to the ground. I raise my eyebrow at him and he smiles.

"You can sleep in that, I assume you won't want to sleep in your panties. But of course, I am perfectly fine with it if you do" he winks and I giggle. Why am I giggling? I can't sleep in his shirt, I will feel to naked. I bend down and pick the black fabric up and hold it out.

"I am fine sleeping in this" I tell him and he eyes my outfit. He hasn't made a single rude comment about my long skirt and loose blue blouse.

"Fine. Suit yourself, if you want to be uncomfortable go ahead" he smiles and takes the shirt from me and sits it on the dresser. I wonder if there are clothes in it. He moves towards the bed in only his boxers and begins to toss the pillows off the bed and onto the floor. I walk over and open the chest, just as I thought it is empty.

"The pillows go in here" I tell him and he laughs and tosses another onto the floor. I groan and pick the pillows up and put them into the chest. He laughs at me and pulls back the comforter before he lays down. He crosses his arms behind his head, then he crosses his feet and gives another smile. His long lean body looks exquisite laying across the bed.

"You're not going to whine about sleeping in the bed with me are you?" He asks and I roll my eyes. I actually wasn't going to. I know it's wrong but I want to sleep in the bed with Stefan more than I think I have ever wanted anything.

"No, the bed is big enough for both of us" I say with a smile. I don't know if it is Stefan's smile or the fact that he is only wearing boxers but I am in a much better mood than before.

"Now that's the Elena I love" he teases and my heart lurches at his choice of words. I know he doesn't and would never mean it that way but it sounded so nice coming off of his lips.

I climb onto the bed and scoot as close the edge of the bed and as far away from Stefan's body as I can. I hear him chuckle and roll over on my side to face him.

"What is so funny?" I ask him.

"Nothing" he lies and bites his lip trying not to laugh. I like this playful Stefan, his humor is contagious.

"Tell me!" I pout and pucker out my bottom lip. His eyes go straight to my mouth and he runs his tongue along his lips.

He rolls onto his side and moves a little closer to me. If I back up anymore I will fall backwards off the bed.

We are only a few feet apart and before I know what I am doing my hand reaches out and pokes his intended dimple. His eyes dart to mine in surprise and I pull my hand away, he grabs my hand and puts it back against his cheek, he moves his hand and mine up and down his cheek slowly.

He brings his hand to my mouth and runs it along his wet lips. His breath is hot against my fingers and I am even more surprised when he bares his teeth and gently bites the pad of my index finger, somehow making me feel it in the pit of my stomach. He moves my hand down to his neck. He watches me carefully but doesn't stop me.

"You like the way I talk to you, don't you?" His expression is dark but so sexy. My breathing hitches and he smiles again. "I can see the blush in your cheeks and I can hear the way your breathing has changed. Answer me Elena, put those full lips of yours to use." He says and I laugh. I don't know what else to do but laugh. I will never admit the way his words turn something on deep inside me. He lets go of my hand but wraps his fingers around my wrist and closes the gap between us on the bed.

I am hot, too hot. I need to cool down or I will start sweating soon. "Can you turn the fan on?" I ask Stefan and he furrows his brows. "Please" I ask again and he sighs but climbs off the bed.

"If you are hot, why don't you change out of those heavy clothes, that skirt looks itchy anyway" he says and I smile. I have been waiting on him to tease me for my clothes.

"You should dress for your body Elena, these clothes you wear hide all of your curves. If I hadn't seen you in your bra and panties I would never know how sexy and curvy your body actually is. That skirt literally looks like a potato sack" he says and I laugh, even though he is insulting me and somehow managing to compliment me at the same time.

"What do you suggest I wear? Fishnets and tube tops?" I ask.

"No, well  I would love to see that but no. You can still cover yourself but wear clothes your size. That shirt hides your chest too and your tits are nothing you should be hiding."

"Will you stop using those words!" I scold him and he smiles. He finally joins me back on the bed, scooting his practically naked body closer to mine. I am still hot and Stefan's off way of complimenting me has given me a new wave of confidence.

"Where are you going?" He slurs, his voice is panicking as I climb off the bed.

"I am going to change" I answer and walk over to the dresser to grab his shirt. "Now turn around and don't peek" I put my hands on my hips.


"What do you mean no?" How can he be telling me no?

"I won't turn around, I want to see you." Oh. I shake my head at him and turn the light off. He whines and I smile to myself as I unzip my skirt. It pools at my feet and another light clicks back on.

"Stefan!" I hurry and pick the skirt back up. He has seen me in less clothing and I know he isn't going to listen so I take a deep breath and pull my shirt over my head. I have to admit I am enjoying this little game we have going right now. I know deep down I want him to look at me, I want him to want me, I am wearing a plain white bra and white panties, nothing fancy or special but Stefan's expression makes me feel sexy. I grab his shirt and pull it over my head. It smells so good, just like Stefan. He leans up on his elbows to look at me, he isn't shy about his eyes moving up and down my body.

"Come here" he says and I ignore my subconscious telling me to run as fast as I can, and I walk towards the bed.

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