Chapter 19

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We find the room that Katherine and I stayed in last week, unfortunately one of the beds is occupied by a snoring drunk man. "At least that bed is empty" Damon laughs and I giggle. "I am going to walk back to my place, if you want to come? I have a couch you could sleep on" he offers. I need to think clearly for a second, Damon, like Stefan, hooks up with a lot of different girls. If I agree to this it could mean I am offering to kiss him.. well I have a feeling with those good looks it is easy for Damon to get girls to have sex with him.

"I think I will just stay here in case Katherine comes back" his face falls a little but he gives me an understanding smile. He tells me to be careful, giving me a hug goodbye. The door closes as he leaves and I can't help but lock it. Who knows who will come in? I look over at the snoring man, I don't think he is waking up anytime soon. The tiredness I felt downstairs has somehow faded, my mind goes back to Stefan and his comment about how Matt doesn't want me to get drunk or party. It may seem strange to Stefan, who parties every weekend, but Matt is not like that. We don't need to go to a party, we have fun doing other stuff like.. well.. we go to the movies and go for walks. This is why I promised not to drink again because my mind doesn't work correctly. I find myself staring at the ceiling, counting the tiles to try to sleep. The moment my eyes close I hear the drunk guy rustling around on the other bed. I ignore it and begin to drift off.

"I haven't seen you.. around here before" a deep voice slurs. I jump up and his head bumps my chin, causing me to bite my tongue, hard. He puts his hand on the bed, inches away from my thighs. His breathing is ragged and smells like vomit and liquor. "What's your name pretty girl?" He breaths and I gag. My small arm flies up to push his shoulder, trying to get him away from me. It doesn't work, he just laughs.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to have some fun." He says and licks his lips, leaving a string of saliva down his chin. My stomach turns and the only thing I can think to do is kick him, hard. He grabs his knee and stumbles back, giving me a chance to bolt. My shaky fingers fumble with the lock and finally it opens. The few people in the hallway give me odd stares as I rush past them. "Come on, come back here!" I hear the disgusting voice say and he is following me down the hall. I don't remember the hallway being this long before. The party goers don't seem to be phased by a girl being chased down the hall. He is only a few feet away from me, stumbling over his own feet giving me a few extra seconds. Where will I even go? My feet take me down the hall and to the left to the only place that I know in this damned fraternity house.

"Stefan!! Stefan please open the door!" I yell, one hand banging on the door and one trying to twist the locked door knob.

"Stefan!!" I screamed again and the door flies open. I don't know what made me come to his room out of all places but I would rather take Stefan's verbal assault that the drunk guy trying to have his way with me any day.

"Elena?" Stefan asks, seeming confused. He wipes his eyes with his hand. He is wearing only black boxer briefs, and his hair is sticking up all over. Ironically, I am more surprised by how good he looks than by the fact he called me 'Elena' instead of 'Lena' for once.

"Stefan, please can I come in? This guy.." I say and look behind me. Stefan pushes past me and looks down the hall. His eyes meet the drunk guy and the creep changes from scary to frightened. He looks at me one more time before turning around and walking back down the hall. What the hell was that?

"Do you know him?" My voice is shaky and small.

"Yea, get inside" he says and pulls me by my arm into his room. I can't help but watch the way his muscles move under his skin as he walks back to his bed. He rubs his eyes again. "Are you okay?" His voice is raspier than ever from just being woken up.

"Yea.. I am sorry for coming here and waking you up" why am I apologizing to Stefan? He should be apologizing to me, but he did just help me escape from the creep.

Stefan's hand runs through his messy hair and he sighs. "Don't worry about it. Did he touch you?" He asked. There is no trace of sarcasm or humor in his expression.

"No, he tried though. I was stupid enough to lock myself in a room with a drunk stranger so I suppose it's my fault" the idea of him touching me makes me want to cry, again. Why am I so emotional every time I am at this house.

"It's not your fault that he did that." His voice was kind and totally opposite of his usual voice. I walk across the room towards his bed, silently asking him for permission. His hand pats the bed and I sit down with my hands in my lap.

"I have no plans on getting used to it. This really is the last time I'm coming here, or to any parties for that matter. I don't know why I even tried. And that guy.. he was just so.."

"Don't cry, Elena" Stefan whispers. I hadn't realized I was. He brings his hand up and I fight the urge to flinch away, what is he doing? The pad of his thumb captures the tear before it rolls down my cheek. My lips part in surprise from his gentle touch. Who is this guy and who's is the snarky, rude Stefan? I look up to meet his green eyes and his pupils dilate. "I hadn't noticed how brown your eyes are" he says so low that I lean closer to hear him. His hand is still on my face, my mind is racing. Stefan removes his hand from my face and I look at his lips once more. My conscious and my hormones are battling but my conscious loses and I crash my lips against his, catching him totally off guard.

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