The first day

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I hear an alarm go off. i open my eyes groggily and my hand slammed down at my alarm clock. i got up and stretched as i looked around at my empty room. i had lived on my own since the end of middle school. yes, i was young but here in Hyrule people are allowed to move and take care of themselves from age 15. my sister moved in with me when she was 14 which was just a year ago. i walked down the stairs and looked around at the dust everywhere. i opened the curtains letting the warm sunlight flow in.  i made some scrambled eggs. i ate sitting with my thoughts in silence. my life had been the same for as long as i could Remember i woke up early and trained went to school then i would train and train until i passed out from exhaustion. My father never cared what we did i had to walk my sister to school prepare her lunch and pick her up. than i would have to help her with homework while i trained. it was tiring i barely had enough time for my own things. but today was the first day of high school. My sister Alexandra came down the stairs. she filled up her plate with eggs while i went off to shower. i let the hot water run down my body. after that i changed into a blue shirt and black pants. i tied my hair into a nice pony tail and grabbed my keys. i was now 16 years old and just got my license. i put on my bag. it was a black leather travel bag that my dad had bought me to keep my training stuff in it. i didn't have a lot of money so i was using it as a school bag.

"ALEXANDRA, ITS TIME TO GO!" i yelled up the stairs Alexandra ran down and i opened the garage. there lay my white motorcycle. i found it at the dump and fixed it up. i hopped on Alexandra close behind me. i threw her a helmet while putting mine on. i rushed down the street and arrived at Alexandras school. "BE SAFE,BYE" "BYE" i raced back down onto main street and made it just 10 minutes before the bell was supposed to ring. i sat down on a bench. a goron soon joined me. "hey little guy what's your name?" he asked in a big booming voice. "link, yours?" "my names Daruk." "well nice to meet you Daruk." he gave me a wide smile before patting my back. i stumbled forward at this. he laughed. suddenly the bell rung. "see you later link!" "see you later!" i grabbed my bag and entered the school. i walked up to my locker and entered the code suddenly a Zora came over and opened the locker next to me. than a tall Gerudo came over (i know Urbosa is like 30 in cannon but in this story she is the same age as them) "hello, young man." i looked over at her. "hello..." damn more socializing think i've had my fair share with Daruk. i grabbed a book for my algebra class. i'm so bad at math. "what's your name?" "link" "mines Urbosa." "nice knowing you Urbosa." i looked to my other side but the Zora had already gone away. Shoot! i only have 2 minutes to get to class. "bye Urbosa." "bye, link" i started running down the halls to get to class. i was 5 minutes late. the teacher looked at me sighed and pointed to my seat. I was next to the Zora. "hey, what's your name?" i said trying to start a conversation. she was actually pretty damn cute. She just kinda looked at me and mumbled "Mipha..." i knew that feeling when you just wanted to be left alone. i guess she was shy. on my left side was a girl named lela who was trying to flirt with me. i heard the bell ring. i left class. The rest of my classes were kinda boring. though in 1 class i sat next to Daruk which was nice. The lunch bell finally rang and a walked to the cafeteria. i had packed my own lunch. i sat down and opened it. i had packed soup in a canteen so i drank that. Daruk suddenly sat next to me. "hello little guy" "hi, Daruk" i sighed. Urbosa sat down on the opposite side of the table. "hello, link! who's your friend here?" "I'm Daruk!" "Hi Urbosa." "do you mind if my friend sits here?" "i don't mind." i said though i actually didn't want any more social interactions. Urbosa went to find her friend. Mipha sat down next to me. she started eating not looking at anything else. once she finished she simply packed up her food and left. "um, i'm done." i said wanting to follow her but then urbosa came back with a blond haired girl. "hi my name is zelda!" Daruk introduced me and himself. Zelda sat next to me and tried to talk to me. i gave her short yes or no answers. at the end of he day i rushed out to my motorcycle. mipha was walking on the sidewalk. daruk wanted to hang out at my housee but my mototrcycle couldn't fit him so i just gave him the address and he said he would come in about 30 minutes. i picked up alexandra and parked the motorcycle in the garage i made a snack of apples and mango. alexandra ate hers quickly. Than i heard the doorbell ring.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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