Chapter 8

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There, Brown stood in the middle of an alliance base axe in hand ready to brawl. All the members had their weapons ready, all pointed at Brown. Before they started he wanted to play with them a little you know to spice things up. "All of you and I mean every single one of you will be casted aside, you will all die and never be remembered for putting your life on the line. I am going to ask you a question that is up to you to answer or not" Brown paused with a gentle smile on his face "why".

He was met with nothing but silence "you know what your right, let just get to it, shall we" with that the members rushed at him. They fought for hours, Brown was only scratched and bruised because of his high defense. Soon only a few out of The few hundred remained, dark speakerman was down so was speakerwoman, camerawoman was trying to keep them alive, tvwoman was trying to keep on fighting but she could barely stand because of all her injuries, The only one that was in a good enough condition was Plunger.

Brown all though only scratched and bruised was tired and having too much fun (I swear this guy look like all he ran on was 52 pounds of crack and laughing gas). He cut down some more alliance members slowly making his way of the 'important ones' taking his time to look at all the destruction. He could not help but get high on all the pain and suffering that he had brought to the people who hated him who despised him who brought him great pain. But, now he was ready to pay them back ten fold.

When he approached them he raised his axe and cut the arms of camerawoman before she could get the two speakers conscious again. He wanted them to suffer as much as they could, he wanted them to suffer until their last breath. His fun time was interrupted by Plunger running at him with his spiked plunger.

They fought for only a few minutes before Brown knocked Plunger down onto his belly, Brown took this opportunity to put his axe on his back and sit on Plungers back pinning his arms to the floor with a very hard grip to ensure his capture.  "You really are a gem, no wonder why the alliance won't let you go. Though I feel a sudden urge to keep this gem for myself".

Right on cue Browns coms came back online, he hadn't noticed when it went offline. On the other side he heard panicking and very concerned voices of his toilet friends. "Skibidi dop dop dop yes yes skibidi skibidi de de skibidi skibidi skibidi" (Brown where are a you? are you ok? we were so worried when you didn't come back, should we send someone to get you?).

Brown felt happy that they were worried about him, but he maintained a strong grip on his pretty gem. "Yes please I would like that, oh and I am bringing a little gem with me if that ok" "skibidi dop dop" (sure but what gem are we talking about). Brown responded with "a pet" "skibidi" (oh).

Brown knocked plunger out so he could do other things and broke his legs for good measure. He stood up to look at the remaining alliance members tending to the 'important ones'. A loud rumble filled the air, Brown looked up to see a large skibidi toilet. Brown knew that they could find him wherever he went cause of a tracker on his coat. Brown lifted Plunger onto his shoulders and sat near the location of the toilets plug (you know... on top).

As they flew off Brown watched the remaining alliance members desperately try and keep each other alive until backup comes. He can't say that today wasn't fun, he got to watch his past abusers suffer and die. Plus, the best part of all this is that he got a gem to entertain himself during boring times. That was enough to put a relaxed smile on his face.

.................................730 words, I might just pass out from all that writing but I must push through for the people. Thank you all for the support and I hope you have a wonderful morning/afternoon/night. Bye

Brown cameraman inane arcحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن