Chaper 2

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I have been training for hours and my body hurts so I decided to rest and maybe explore the base a little. I start walking around looking at the place the toilets here don't seem to think of me as an enemy, it's a little strange but I feel like I shouldn't question it. After a few minutes of walking I stumble upon the the same skibidi the helped me, and I heard a noise that came from my mouth. I was confused a the noise I just made so to better understand it I tried to make it again and I did, I look at the skibidi for an explanation and it started saying.

"Skibidi dop dop dop yes yes skibidi dop"
(That is your voice. We gave it to you during your upgrade)

I nod not sure how i could understand that but I figure that it was one of my upgrades. I am brought out of my thoughts by an alarm, it seem that the alliance had found the base i was in, i take out my axe from my back and ready myself for battle.

Several camera men and speaker men run in and toilets flee into hiding. when they see me they are confused on why am in a skibidi base. I look at them and I start see red I feel like I can't relax until they are all dead. I feel a single thread snap and I charge toward and started slicing up alliance members while I do this I feel happy almost joyful I start laughing, my laughter startles them but I don't care I am just too happy. I slash and slash until one cameraman was left I slowly walk up to giggling, I stand an inch away from him I put my axe to his throat and end the final enemy. My vision turns back to normal and all the toilets that were hiding came out and started cheering. I smiled at them and my beautiful work, I know this felt better than it should've but I didn't care i start helping clean the bodies of the alliance members. After we are done I say good night and head to my Room that the skibidi who saved me told me was mine. I lay on the bed and wonder why killing my old allies brought me so much joy maybe it was the fact that they left me to die...yeah probably that. I should probably get some sleep I'm tired.

........................ That's it for this chapter folks as you can see I suck at making POVs welp good morning/afternoon/night

Brown cameraman inane arcTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang