Chapter 7

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As the battle intensified Brown only had a couple of scratches on him, but the same could not be said about the the alliance group or what's left of it. Brown was very much enjoying himself as he played with the group only killing one from time to time.

Soon it was just a certain TV agent left, Brown slowly moved towards her covered in blue blood and his mind replaying all the rejections, all the humiliations, all the heart breaks, and all the abuse. All these painful memories came flooding back as he stopped a few feet away from her.

But before he could let his emotions ruin his playtime he calmed down "Never thought I would see you again" he said with a grin. He know that TV woman could speak but was assuming that she was being careful with her words. "You know, I want you to choose out of the two options I am going to give you" Brown grow more amused when he saw her trying to be brave.

"Aww look at you trying to play the hero..." Brown paused to laugh for a second before continuing "Disgusting" he said with an even bigger grin. "Now back to what I was saying. I want you to choose whether you want to die in a quick way or die with loads of torture"

TV woman didn't reply so Brown made her choose for her. With a smile that spread across his face he said "well then torture it is" Brown rushed towards her but then she hugged him and they began to teleport probably to the alliance base.

Brown knew he messed up when the teleportation started but he didn't want to know what would happen if he pushed her away during the teleportation process. As soon as they were at the base he pushed her away and slashed up warded towards her and if she had not dodged when she did she would have ended up with more than a deep slash on her screen.

There he was in the middle of the alliance base with with what seemed like a sixty members ready to fight. Even in the face of danger he smiled with a craze look on his face because he knew that the was going to be fun.

.................................that's it for this chapter like promised I will upload two more later. Also I plan on making a Brown x plunger ship. But I need you guys vote on if I should go with the ship or should I keep it the way it is. Hope you have a great morning/afternoon/night. Bye

Keep it the way it is

Go with the ship

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