Poor Kevin

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"Are you working with a new band or are you still with the shit one?" CC asked around a mouthful of food.

"New one. Lilith Czar. She seems really great and her band is solid as hell. I've been having fun working on her record." Jake replied. "I fired the other band. They were too difficult to work with and thought I would be okay with a fucking slur said in my studio."

"Oh fuck them." CC huffed.

It had been a while since the two had hung out one on one in a setting that wasn't work related, so they decided to grab lunch at a sushi bar Jake had been wanting to try while Alex and Andy took Avery shopping.

"So I heard about Andy's conversation with Meg the other day." CC said, earning a groan from Jake.

"He snatched my phone before I could stop him." Jake sighed, though he wasn't about to say Andy did anything wrong. Meg deserved it. "Who told you about it?"

"Alex's friend, Katie is still Sam's business partner Dave's assistant-." CC said. "Steve." Jake corrected with a chuckle. Though he knew full well that CC knew the man's name.

"Sure, whatever." CC rolled his eyes. "Anyways, she had to drop some stuff off at his house and heard Clara and Meg talking about it. Apparently neither of them knew you lived with Andy so they started Facebook stalking." He explained.

Jake snorted at this. "Oh? And what exactly did they find?" He asked curiously. He had Clara blocked on all of his social media, and did the same with Meg after what she had texted him. He sent screenshots to his ex in laws to let them know his reasoning and they completely understood.

"No clue. Katie couldn't see the phone screen, but she said the longer they scrolled, the more miserable Clara looked." CC laughed. He was thrilled by the thought of Clara's unhappiness.

"Whose Facebook did they even look at? They're both blocked on mine." Jake asked with furrowed brows.

"I don't know. Probably Alice or Andy's if I had to guess." CC shrugged. "I'd say Andy though, he has more posts with you guys than she does." He mused, popping a sushi roll into his mouth.

"Oh I need to look at this then, I don't get on Facebook at all." Jake said, pulling up the app to look. He was aware Andy posted stuff about them. He always tagged Jake, but he couldn't think of anything off the top of his head that would make Clara act like that.

Jake scrolled through Andy's Facebook. The first post to pop up was a video of Crow sitting on top of Avery's back, pinning her face down against the couch as she giggled.

"He's heavy!" She cackled, wiggling in an attempt to dislodge him, but the cat didn't budge.

"I know he is." Andy laughed from behind the camera. "I told you he liked climbing on backs."

Jake smiled at the video before he scrolled, stopping at a photo of the three of them at the park from a few days prior. Avery was sitting on Andy's shoulders, her head resting on top of his, and Jake was next to them, his hand on Avery's back, clearly the move of a nervous father worried she would somehow manage to fall off.

It seemed that most of Andy's feed was photos of Crow, Avery, and Jake. It made sense though, Andy rarely posted on social media.

He came across another video of himself laying on Avery's bed, his arms shielding his face as Avery pummeled him with a pillow and Andy laughing as he filmed them.

"Okay! I give up! Mercy!" Jake laughed, but that seemed to only spur his daughter on.

"Avie, don't concuss your dad, please." Andy chuckled.

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