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ANDROMEDA, BETTER known as Andi, didn't have the best childhood

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ANDROMEDA, BETTER known as Andi, didn't have the best childhood. Her parents had given her up for adoption when she was just a baby, so she grew up in foster homes and in orphanage facilities, and her life was filled with constant disappointment. She felt unwanted by everyone-her biological parents, the foster parents who only took her in because they received the state's check every month, and the other children at the various places she stayed. The adults told her all the time that she needed to act and behave, otherwise she would never be adopted.

So she learned to hide her emotions and put on a good front. She would tell the adults what they wanted to hear and do as she was told because she wanted a loving family, a real home, and she didn't want to have to move again. She felt like she never belonged. She tried not to let it get her down, but she always wondered why her parents didn't want her. Was she a mistake? Was there something wrong with her? She couldn't understand how a parent could abandon their own child. She thought that if they could just see her, spend some time with her, they would want her, and she would finally have a place where she fit in and was loved. But that never happened.

By the time she reached eight years old, she knew better than to get her hopes up. She realized the only person she could depend on was herself. That is until she got adopted by Kelly Wainwright. Kelly had been looking to adopt for several years. When she met Andi, she knew right away that Andi was the child she had been searching for. The instant connection she felt to Andi was overwhelming. She couldn't imagine not giving this little girl a home. At first, Andi wasn't sure if this was permanent or not. She just assumed that this was another foster home. But as the days and weeks went on, it became obvious that Kelly truly cared about her and that this was her forever home. So she slowly let her guard down, and when she was with Kelly, she felt the love that she had craved for so long. She finally felt wanted and accepted. Andi had always been a little spitfire. She had a strong will, and once she made up her mind about something, no one could talk her out of it.

Kelly saw a lot of herself in Andi, which is probably why she gravitated to her from the start. But Andi's stubbornness was a source of many arguments between the two. Andi was used to taking care of herself and wasn't accustomed to having someone else in her life that truly cared about her well-being. But Kelly was patient with her, and eventually, she came to trust and rely on her. They quickly fell into a comfortable routine and life was good. It was great actually. Throughout her life, music has been the one thing that has grounded Andi. It has been a way for her to express herself when she couldn't find the words.

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