"...Who is it?"


Simone nearly fell off the bench. "What?!"

Eponine laughed. "I know, girl. I know. My parents dragged me to my fiancé's house to meet him, when I realised I was in front of his house," she explained. She glanced around the yard, and found him still standing in front of the toilets. He looked up, and smiled slightly when they locked eyes. She sent a small wave back, to which he turned around and quickly looked around. Almost like he didn't want people to see.

"Well that was weird," Simone said, "But I'm happy you at least know him a little." She swung her right leg over the other. Eponine laughed knowingly. "I know him better than just a little, Sime."

Simone raised a brow. "You've been avoiding telling me, just spill it!"

"When I was at his place for New Years, I ignored him because he'd known all along that we were engaged and didn't tell me. So he said he wanted to make it up to me, and we kissed." Eponine twirled her hair playfully. Simone laughed, "I knew it! So what was it like?"

"Surprisingly intense," Eponine said. Simone wiggled her brows. "He definitely knew what he was doing."

"So did Jean-Pierre. I'm telling you, he's magical," Simone giggled. But before Eponine could reply, she saw Michéle approach with an annoyed expression.

"Pichon said that I wouldn't understand it because I'm too immature and a girl," she moped. "Don't worry too much, Michéle. We'll find out," Eponine assured her.

Suddenly, Michéle turned to Simone. "Do you think you'll get married? To Eugéne?" she asked. Eponine's brows furrowed. "Who's Eugéne?"

Michéle's eyes widened. "You didn't tell Eponine yet?" she asked, and Simone shrugged. "I was about to tell her, but you came back."

"Well, what are you waiting for? Tell her!" Michéle encouraged. Simone looked nervous. "So, I'm seeing someone." Her hands fiddled, and her nervosity almost seemed real. If it hadn't been for the warning glint in her eye. Eponine quickly realised that Eugéne was Jean-Pierre, and went along with it.

"Oh my god! That's so nice," Eponine faked a laugh. "But do you think you'll marry him someday?" Michéle asked again, "Think he wants to go further?"

"I think it's a little too soon for that," Simone said, "And I don't really know what he wants."

Michéle sighed. "I hope I find a husband soon, get out of my parents' house." Eponine stretched her legs. "I wish I could stay at theirs longer," she started. Michele raised a brow in confusion.

"This vacation I was told they married me off," she sighed, "and I don't want you to worry at all. I'm fine, because it protects my sister. Also, the guy is really sweet, so he isn't an issue either. I'm just upset at my parents."

Michéle was shocked, but kept quiet. She didn't know what to say, so she just wrapped an arm around Eponine's shoulder.

. . .

During Douillard's Latin class, Eponine and Annick sat in front of Joseph and Dupin. Applebaum stumbled into the class late, which caused everyone to laugh. Eponine snorted, but her ears perked when Dupin said: "I told you he'd go deaf."

Annick and Eponine looked at each other with exasperated looks on their faces, rolling their eyes at the boys' behaviour. After Pichon told Michéle she was too immature to know what 'going deaf' meant, Eponine soon realised what he intended. They were looking at pornographic magazines. Stupid hormonal arseholes.

Miss Couret started her lesson. "Who here knows The Beatles?" she asked. Eponine and Pichon raised their hands. "Awesome, let's look into them!"

Class started, but the classes' attention wasn't on Miss Couret. Dupin and Joseph kept whispering to each other in hushed voices, and Eponine couldn't quite make out what they were saying.

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