With a warm smile, Bucky hands me a steaming cup of coffee, the rich aroma enveloping me in its comfortable embrace. Gratefully, I take it, inhaling deeply before taking a sip, the smooth, bitter flavor awakening every one of my senses. He busies himself momentarily by fixing two plates, his movement fluid and efficient. Soon, he joins me at the table, placing a plate of bacon, fluffy scrambled eggs, and golden toast in front of me. The sight and smell of the delicious spread makes my mouth water, and I thank him with a smile as I take my first bite.

We eat together in a comfortable silence, the only sounds from us are the clinking of utensils against plates and the occasional contented hum of appreciation. It's a simple moment, a serene one, but one filled with warmth and companionship, a reminder of the simple joys that life has to offer.

As we finish our meal, Bucky leans back in his chair with a satisfied sign, a contented smile gracing his lips. "So, what did you learn when you went back to your old job?" he asks, breaking the silence. His gaze is curious, but there's also a hint of concern in his eyes, a silent invitation to share whatever it is that I hid from him.

As I take another sip, Bucky's question catches me off guard, almost choking on my coffee. I pause for a moment, considering my response. "Oh, just some old paperwork from the cases I worked on," I reply casually, hoping to brush off his inquiry. But even as the words leave my lips, I can already sense the skepticism in his gaze.

Bucky arches an eyebrow, his expression knowing. "Just paperwork?" he questions, his tone laced with amusement. "You're a terrible liar, Princess. What's really going on?"

Caught off guard by his perceptiveness, I feel a pang of guilt tug at my conscience. I know he sees right through my facade, seeing my true feelings about the matter beneath the surface. With a sigh, I set down my coffee cup, meeting his eyes with a mixture of resignation and reluctance.

"Okay, fine," I admit, relenting under his scrutiny. "The truth is, it wasn't just any kind of paperwork. It was a damning trail of evidence, chronicling my father's collision with Hydra from the very beginning. He... offered me over to them."

Bucky's expression shifts from skepticism to concern, his eyes narrowing as he processes the words coming out of my mouth. And then, I see the anger growing within him. "He.. sold you?" he repeats, his voice trailing off as if grappling with the enormity of what I'm about to reveal.

I nod, the memories of his betrayal and manipulation flooding back with painful clarity. "It started long before I ever realized," I explain, my voice steadying as I delve into the depths of my own past. "Contracts, agreements...my father was knee-deep in Hydra's corruption, and he dragged me down with him."

I can see the pieces falling into place in his mind, the realization of my father's treachery dawning on him like a cruel revelation.

"They had documentation on me," I continue, my voice growing stronger as I recount the damning evidence I uncover. "Years of observation, manipulation, tactics...they knew every detail of my life, every vulnerability to exploit. But even then, even when I was no longer me, I never made it easy for them."

Bucky's jaw tightens, his hands curling into fists at his sides as the extent of my father's betrayal lays bare out in the open.

"He orchestrated everything. From the moment I was born, my life was planned out for me," the words feel like daggers as they pass through my lips. I manage a weak smile, the weight of my burden momentarily eased by his understanding. "I never had a choice," I admit, the bitterness of truth tainting my words. "This life... it was all I was ever meant for."

Bucky meets my gaze as he reaches across the table, his hand finding mine in a silent gesture of solidarity. "You were just a child," he says softly, his voice filled with empathy.

RECONSTRUCTION | BUCKY BARNES [2]Where stories live. Discover now