~Chapter 2~

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Today was the day. The last day of the Zen'In kingdom. Sukuna woke up in the early hours when the sun hadn't even come yet. Even though he couldn't sleep due to thinking about the little bunny all the time, he woke up early despite the lack of sleep but it doesn't effect the king.

Sukuna sat on his comfy bed, and took a deep breath. Today's day will be long and exciting. He can't wait to meet the little bunny again. All the wishes he was so desperate for will be fulfilled today. Sukuna got out of the bed. He was naked, apart for his boxers. Sukuna always sleep bare chest, it's just comfortable.

He then took his cape from the side table and called for his loyal servant, Uraume. It didn't took long for him to arrive. "You called for me, Lord Sukuna-sama." Uraume bowed in respect. "Hmm. Is everything done?" Uraume nodded in response. Which made Sukuna let out a satisfied smirk. "Very well then. Prepare a bath for me." Uraume got up and went towards the exit prepare to bath for his king.

One side of the palace stretches inside a forest. There is a hot sping and a normal temperature lake. It's not deep nor it is too long , as a part of it was converted in the king's bath. Sukuna's favorite place. But he prefers the hot spring in this season to warm himself, which has large amount of width and is stretched to form a circle.

Sukuna doesn't have to tell Uraume to prepare the hot spring or not as his loyal servant knows Sukuna for a long time, and he also knows which type of bath or anything Sukuna is talking about.

After a while, Uraume came again and said "My Lord, you can go and take a bath now. I've also prepared your clothes." He stood near the exit, waiting for his master to allow him to leave. "Also, do one thing. Go outside and tell the servants to clean the flower garden. You can leave now." Uraume bowed before leaving and exiting the door.

Then Sukuna went towards the halls for his bath. He saw some of his servants awake, some going to prepare food and some to clean the place. He then entered place which had the hot spring. The place is all open around the nature. It is a large place. There is no door to here, it is built like a cave entrance of the castle. Then it has a path deep inside the forest which leads to the hot spring.

Sukuna took off his cape and sighed. He was over 7 feet. His muscular body could make anyone blush, even alphas. As much as handsome he is, at the same time scary too. He has faded wounds of the previous wars but not many wounds.

Sukuna then went inside the water, relaxing himself. As soon as his mind relaxed, the little bunny came. Sukuna questioned himself, that if the bunny has woken up or not. Has he eaten or not? Is he feeling cold outside? Does he still remember him? Of course he does. Omega's memory and hearing is very strong. Even though their ears are sensitive.

Sukuna can't wait to see him again. He is specialy trying to be kind with his little bunny. He doesn't want Megumi to know his other side. But just one more hour, and he will meet the omega again. Sukuna then thought about Megumi's body. His body is very small and delicate. Plus interesting facts. His waist. His wrists. His small legs. Megumi is almost 3 times smaller than Sukuna. His height may be like 4 feet? or something like that.

Sukuna wondered if he is a virgin or not. Has he ever done it with someone? If yes then was he forced or not? Even if he wasn't forced, Sukuna would kill them for even looking at his bunny that way.  But he doesn't want to force the bunny. He will only do it if Megumi allow him to.

While thinking about those things, Sukuna felt himself get turned on. He felt horny thinking about that. But not right now. He doesn't have time for this. He tried to focus on the not so fun war. They were no match for The king of Curses. After a while Sukuna got out of the water, dried himself and wore his clothes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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