11: Sea

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She avoided talking about the kiss at all costs and Namjoon found it funny.

The company (Big Hit Entertainment) was now officially named Hybe Labels and they were ninety per cent done with moving into their new, towering headquarters that fit the status of the entire label and its subsidiaries. Big Hit Entertainment was now Big Hit Music and just like everyone else, Yoo-rim was wrapping her head around everything.

As for she and Namjoon, it became hard to be around him and he found joy in using it to tease her. Each time he leaned in to talk to her, he noticed how her breathing hitched and how her cheeks turned rosy. Her eyes widened too. Sometimes, she stepped back on instinct and then she refused to sleep in the same room with him.

The other members noticed the weird change in dynamics and when they asked Namjoon, he had smiled and told them not to worry. It was no big deal, he told them, and he knew he and Yoo-rim were going to have to talk about it very soon.

The You Quiz on the Block episode with BTS had the highest ratings since the show began airing and it didn't really come as a surprise. On the 29th, the special talk show "Let's BTS" aired. On the 30th, Yoo-rim planned on staying indoors as it was a free day as she assumed the guys would be busy promoting their upcoming Japanese single; Film Out and the upcoming Japanese album.

Boy was she wrong.

They had cleared their schedule just so they could hold a photo shoot for her and Namjoon because, as Jin had put it, their home lacked everything that screamed romance. After forcing her out of bed and into the bathroom, they picked out an outfit (actually, Namjoon picked it out) and then they waited for her downstairs.

"Yoo-rim!" Jin called when she had tried stalling just so they could leave. "No matter how long you stay up there, we're not going anywhere! If we need to have those photos taken at night, then so be it!"

That made her come down and they forced her to eat breakfast before they left the house and got into the cars parked outside, she and Namjoon ending up in her car, much to her dismay. As she pulled out of the area, Namjoon smiled and turned to look out of the window. "I've started my driving lessons"

She blinked in surprise, afraid to turn away from the road. "Really?"

He nodded. "Yeah. I started two weeks ago but I didn't want anyone to know. My instructor says I'm doing really well."

"So you'll be getting your license soon. Yay!"

He turned his head to look at her as she came to a stop at a red light. A moment passed before he asked "You know you can't ignore me forever, right?"

She faced him. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

A brow of his went up slightly. "I think you do. You know exactly what I'm talking about."

She quickly turned away and he saw just how fast her cheeks flared up. She cleared her throat, flexing her fingers on the steering wheel. "I think I'd rather keep ignoring you."


"How could you kiss me like that!?" She screeched and twisted her entire body as much as she could so she could fully face him. "How can you take me by surprise like that!?"

Namjoon so badly wanted to smile. "So, you didn't like it...?"

"I'm not saying that I didn't like it! Of course, I liked it. I just –" She realized what she had said and she shut her eyes. "Oh, shit."

Namjoon, the devil, cleared his throat to disguise his small laugh. He spoke as though her answer stunned him which it actually did. "Oh....Alright."

She exhaled and opened her eyes before she spoke. "There, I said it. The kiss was nice and maybe I want to do it again but do you know how surprised I had been and –?"

All for Joon [Temporarily On Hold]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt