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I look over after I heard thuds as I saw matheo leave the girls common room area sneakily but I didn't think anything of it

Matheo seemed like the guy who would have a high body count and only sleep with girls just for fun

I brushed him off why would he watch me he clearly hates me

I went back to my room after a while as I had picked a black cat for my animal of choice

As I walk back to my room and feed my cat names (your choice)

I yet again felt a weird feeling again as my door slowly creaked open but no one was there

"Who's there!?" I said loudly looking around my room

I then heard a faint breath...

I whipe around scared ish...I grab my wand
And just point it to wherever the noise is coming from

I heard the floor creak

"FLIPENDO!" I said as I casted a spell but hit no one...(the spell flipendo knocks somone back)

I feel a strong smell of cologne again...I'll have to find out who this is

I stand up clutching my want as I storm out of my room

"Hey Angelica do you and all your friends wanna hang out tonight? Maybe we can go down to three broom sticks or some shit." I said in a nice tone secretly planning to track down who ever that cologne was from I knew it had to be one of them

"Oh yeah I was actually planning on asking if u wanted to do some thing with everyone" Angelica said

We round up all of the boys and Pansy ended up tagging along so it ended up being

Me, Angelica, Pansy, matheo, draco , Blaise, Theo, and Lorenzo

We all walked over to the fire place as I watched everyone stand in the coles and throw a powder down

"Diagon ally!" Angelica yelled and disappeared into green flames

Matheo was the last one just me and him

I looked a little nervous to stand on the coals since well magic was all new to me I stand on the coals

"So I just throw the powder down at the same time...?" I asked him not able to look him in the eyes

"Yeah." Matheo said...I barely have ever heard him talk and this was his first time actually really talking to me directly

He walked closer to me and poured the powder in my hands...that smell...THE COLOGNE

My eyes only/mattheo riddle X ynWhere stories live. Discover now