~the letter~

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"Yn!!!" My mom yelled as she had her apron on since she worked at a grocery store

"Coming!" I yelled as I burst up from bed not wanting to hear her yell my name again because it would be annoying

I walk into the living room seeing her boyfriend on the recliner with a beer in his hand even know it was 7:10 in the morning

"Hi yn" mike my moms boyfriend said with a smile

Mike was the kind of guy who was all rough and tuff but was a pussy in reality not to mention he would always say back handed shit to me and would never clean the house...very old fashion

"Hi..." was all I said with a cold face but then I look at my mom as my cold face was gone and was just replaced with a meh face

I soon lost my smile around my mom due to her constantly taking his side

I open the door to be greated with mail...under my name

"Weird..." I mumbled with a slight whisper under my breath

I break the seal "you've been accepted to attend hogwarts...?" I said in a hushed tone and I show my mom

"Mom? Hogwarts? Where's that it sounds like a boarding school!?" I said with a small smile as I hated the public school I went to

"No your not going! I won't have my daughter leave me! I'll miss you to much!" My mom said. It was reasonable but she always holds my education against me

"Fine..." was all I said

*time skip I beg for months and months and faster our house was absolutely flooded with letters from hogwarts we finally moved to the United Kingdom for me to join*

I helped unpack as I was unpacking the boxes in my room but then the door bell rang...

I was always to scared to open the door if someone knocked so I had my mom do it

A big...very big tall man who looked scruffy and big and dirty kinda homeless

"Hello! Where's Yn y/l/n? I'd like to help with some school stuff!" The tall man said

"And who are you" my mom said in a kinda bitchy tone

"Well I'm Hagrid Ms.Y/L/N and I'm from the school of hogwarts" hagrid said in a confident tone

"You? From hogwarts!? It sounds like a prestigious school and your just some bum!" My mom said

"I'll have you know ma'am I happen to be every important to the school!-" before Hagrid could finish my mom slammed the door

Hours later a woman comes to the door...she had a long black and green velvet dress on with glasses and a hat...a witch hat-? She knocks on the door and my mom opens it

"Hello?" The woman says a British accent with a slight tang of Scottish

My mom broadens her shoulders seeing someone more serious
"Hello? Are you an administrator from hogwarts?" My mom spoke in a calm yet sharp manner

"Yes I am now WHERES yn? You wrongfully called one of our members a "bum"" the woman said

"Yn!" My mom called me and I walked out with my hair in a low messy bun, baggy t shirt, and sweatpants...I clearly had been in bed all day

"Hi-" I said in a shyer tone

"We have to get you to hogwarts by tonight! Tonight I say so I'll have to take u to get your stuff" the woman said pulling out the list...

My eyes only/mattheo riddle X ynWhere stories live. Discover now