~sorting hat~

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I look around asi notice some first years in all black coats no houses

"I should be with them right?" I said asking matheo since when we came in we walked behind the group

He simply just shook his head no

"Then where am I supposed to go?" I asked as I had like a bitchy voice kinda sounding like a "are you stupid" type voice

Matheo simply scowled and walked off so I went to Angelica and I clearly had a kinda pissed expression

"Hey where do I sit? Matheo was being fucking useless" I said rolling my eyes about matheo

"You can just sit with us until they call your name " Angelica said with a smile

After a while they call my name

"Yn y/l/n! Please come up to the hat!" Dumbledor said

I nervously walk up sitting under the stool as the hat goes on my head

"Hmmmm very intresting...very calm but yet rambunctious around friends I see...very brave like a griffendor but very cunning like a slytherin....this...this is very hard...I see I see...SLYTHERIN!" The hat yelled

I look suprised as I looked over at Angelica who was  at the ravenclaw table but sat close to the slytherins since she didn't really fit in with the raven claws and how calm they where

I look at the group of boys who I had previously talk too they just continued talking so I sat next to this girl named Pansy and she was very how do I explain this pick me ish

I smile and talk with Pansy asking if she could show me where to go in the slytherin common room

We walk to the common room as Pansy was trying to leach onto draco even know he was dating Angelica so I talked with Lorenzo

"Hey do you guys like Pansy or is she just kinda there?" I asked in a hushed tone to Lorenzo

"Yeah...no one likes her" Lorenzo said with a laugh

"I'm just praying and hoping she's not my roomate" I said as I looked at Pansy with a bit of annoyance

I walked to my room unpacking my clothing but I felt like someone was watching me

I turn around to look at the door...no one was there

I look around still feeling watched...I heard the floor creak right next to me and this smell of over powering collogne but it smelled so good..

I wave my hand infront of me "who's there!?"

I kept looking around hearing creaking around me and the smell of whisky, cologne, and cigarettes

But there was no one around

I quickly put my stuff away...but I feel a huff of hot air

*I look around again but no one I've gotta be going crazy!?

*I walked out of my room closing the door behind me

*I went to the slytherin common room as I saw Angelica I sat with her

"So fucking weird! I felt like I was being watched! I even heard food steps, smelled cologne, and even felt hot air on the back of my neck" I said as I had chills up my arms

"Oh well I actually heard potters invisibility cloak actually got stolen a couple hours ago, I'd kill to have that cloak maybe I could sneak into Draco's room and take his wand just so I can see him throw a bitch fit" Angelica said with a laugh

"I wonder if someone was spying on me..." I said

My eyes only/mattheo riddle X ynWhere stories live. Discover now