Chapter 6 - Reconnection

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"Whatever our souls are made up of, his and mine are the same."
-Hardin Scott

At 5:30pm Jack and Avery picked me up from my house. Jack had a very nice car. He had a Sedan. It was grey and had tinted windows.

When I got in the car it was very clean. He obviously got it touched up before he picked me up.

"Hey Rory!" Avery greeted me from the backseat. I looked back and waved at her. She was wearing cargo pants and a graphic shirt. Her hair was also curly. She looked so much older and mature.

Jack looked very handsome. He was wearing jeans with a collared shirt. His hair looked great like he put a bit of product in. He was also extremely nervous. So was I.

The car ride was silent at first until Avery spoke up. She's doing her dad a favor.

"So Rory how long have you've been working for?" She asked. "Since I graduated college. So about a year and a half," I explained. Avery nodded and sat back again.

"So Jack, did you go to college?" I asked. I knew he had Avery but I was still curious.

"Yes, luckily one of my good friends took Avery in for the time I was away," he said. Wow, I couldn't imagine being away from your child for 4 years?

"Thats a long time away from Avery? How did you manage?" I asked. "Well, we talked every night when I wasn't busy with schoolwork," he answered.

I nodded impressively. He was so mature and caring.

We made it to the restaurant. It wasn't a really fancy restaurant that Alex used to take me to. But I never really liked those anyways. I liked casual diners. I didn't think I belonged in the fancy world.

Our waiter lead us over to our table and Jack pulled out my seat for me. I thanked him as the waiter introduced himself.

The waiter went away and we all looked at the menus. "So Avery," I grabbed her attention as she raised her head to look at me. "How is school going?"

"Pretty good. Science is difficult though," she said. "Definitely. I always hated science." I waved my hand. She chuckled. I wanted to ask so many question about their lives, but I didn't want to seem invasive.

Jack cleared his throat and spoke up, "so how is that marriage going?" He still remembers?

I sigh. "It's over," I said. He seemed shocked. "Wow, um, how did that happen?" He questioned.

"Long story," I responded and laughed. Jack put his hands in his lap. "So are you single now?"

That question caught me off guard. Was I? I mean I know Alex and I are done for good but I can't get over that night. Or since he joined the company. I hadn't given my feelings a care in the world.

I didn't know what to say so I just said, "yes." Jack tried to hide his smile but his lips creeped up a bit. Avery also looked a bit happy.

Our food came and we were all talking normally. There was no awkwardness.

On the drive back I forgot I had left something in my office. "Um do you mind brining me to my office? I left something there." I chuckled nervously.

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