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I was just on land somewhere watching the view knowing Atlantis is in peace with the land.

Everyone has a happy endings sort of I just can't help but think about orm. It's been about a month since I last saw him I miss him. He was the first person I have ever fallen for. And thinking of him drives me insane. Not literally.

I walked alone on the beach watching the sunset. Just thinking to myself.

"I guess you come to the beach to be alone" a familiar voice said.

I turned to see orm standing there with his wet hair and smiled. I smiled back and ran up to him and hugged him and he hugs back.

"What took you so long?" I asked.

"Well after I found somewhere safe for David Kane. I... went to the fishermen kingdom and apologized for what I have done. As I did with Atlantis. I asked for it without you there."

"And?" I asked in concern.

"The forgave me and said I'm free to comeback to Atlantis anytime"

I smiled "I'm glad it must have been a relief"

He smiles and grabs my hands "I wouldn't have the courage to do this without you. We started off as enemies and put me to prison and brok me out and went on these adventures together we started to grow on each other. But I must confess... I loved you the day we met and fallen more for you the day you broke me out. And this strange adventure we had together shown me that you're more than just someone who was meant to take the throne. You are someone who's strong intelligent, a pain in the ass too" okay that last one he's not wrong on "but you're a pain in the ass I want to be with for the rest of my life with." Out of nowhere he bends down on one knee "I know it's so sudden but we can wait a year or two. But if what would you say if you were to take me as your husband"

I couldn't believe what he was asking me. I never expected anything from him.

I looked down at him and smiled. "I would say yes"

He smiled and stood up and put his arms around me  "let's go home"  he leans in and I did as well and kissed me and I kissed back.

The ocean master and the one tru heir: enemies to lovers  (orm X OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang