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I woke up on a boat and looked at ha I was full of seaweed. And heard a flute playing I walked up to mera to see she was playing it and stop to look at me.

"Did you steal a boat?"

"Are the boats at the marina not for public use?" She asked.

"No they belong to people." I chuckled when she realized before sitting down beside her.

"Those were orms elite commandos. The one who led them he wasn't atlantian.I've never seen him before."

"I have." I told her "he and his father were pirates and he blames me for his fathers death"

"They picked a dangerous line of trade it's not your fault"

"That's not how it feels. It was up to me and I let him Siri could've save him but I didn't and now I made and enemy. And he could have hurt you. And that would've been my fault."

"He's behind us now it's what lies ahead that should concern us the charted paths lead to the kingdom of the trench"

"Are those the same creatures that killed my mother?"

Mera nods "she was taken there and sacrificed to them. It's become a place of death. We know next to nothing about what's down there."

"We should turn back we can still warn the surface. Try to prepare them for what's coming."

"Turn back?"

"Look I learn from a young age not to show weakness. I solve my problems with my anger and my fist I'm a blunt instrument and I'm damn good at that but I've done nothing but get my ass kicked this whole trip and I'm no leader I'm not a queen. I do not work or play well with others. And I can't let you die trying to turn me into something I'm not"

"You think you're unworthy to lead because you're of two different worlds. But that is exactly why you are worthy. You are the bridge between land and sea. I can see that now. The only question is....can you?"

I thought about it I don't know what my path will take and I don't even know if I'm worthy enough for this.

The ocean master and the one tru heir: enemies to lovers  (orm X OC)Where stories live. Discover now