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In the sea orm and I were in a little ship I'm driving in and I was in normal cloths since I had to change from my atlantian suit for orm to put on.

I could have sworn I caught him staring  couple of times.

Anyway back to the two seated ship I explained to him what was going on.

He was furious "this is worse than I could have possibly imagined the safty and security of Atlantis is a sacred trust. No heir has allowed the great city wall to be breached in a hundred generations."

I scoffed "a hundred generations really how many years is that I'm bad with geology. What is that, like a million years?" Then I realized "oh? You calling me one in a million?"

"How can you joke at a time like this?" Orm asked in confusion. "It's undignified for an heir to jest."

"Oh Exuse me your highness if I use comedy to mask my feelings and deal with stress otherwise end of looking like you. A very tight asshole" I clenched my fist. "Super tight"

"You know if the presssure of leadership is too stressful. You could do two options first is you should leave and let someone who knows what they're doing be king. Or marry someone of royal blood and carry an heir so hopefully your child will do better. Too bad we weren't arrange long ago before I found out about you. And you'd immediately bear my children"

I glared at him "you know what? I cannot wait to throw your as back in prison when this is all over."

"You won't have to once I stop David Kane I'll surrender myself to the fishermen that is my honour to Atlantis"

"You're so dramatic" I told him "whatever just help me find this asshole"

"Well my contract will at least know where to look. What happens to him? He asked about David "David Kane I knew was ruthless but he wasn't insane this guy just put a gun to the world head and pulled the trigger. Without even making demands"

I looked at him "I don't know but he still has it out for me for what happens to his father."

"Well you did kill his father."

"More like left him to die. I'll admit I was in the wrong for doing that. I was angry back then knowing they killed innocent people. I was also young back then. If I could go back and save his father I wouldn't be where we're at now.... It's all in the past now."

"I see" he said "hows mera?"

"She has passed" I told him.

"Oh I'm so sorry" orm said as we were quiet and he speaks again "so how have you been?"

I looked at him "oh now you want to know about my personal life? It's not your business. But most of it's been pretty good that's all you need to know."

The ocean master and the one tru heir: enemies to lovers  (orm X OC)Where stories live. Discover now