That's how robot babies are made? (small non-con smut warning)

Start from the beginning

Oh, right. So me later?

"Yup, long as Red here doesn't take too long. If not, it will be tomorrow ok? Plus you guys can come snuggle tonight alright?"

Snuggle time yes!

"Come give me a cuddle now. Then me and Red can go off and get on with things, make things a bit quicker for everyone eh?"

With that Blue and Roth wrap themselves up in your arms getting a fierce hug with a quick kiss then they dropped to let Red go off with you, in your arms. Giving Bayer a slight hip nudge on your way out. Taking Red to your quarters you lie down on the bed with him lying on your chest purring.

"Red, I have something rather important to ask you. And I need you to be one hundred percent truthful with me now. Roth has already told me the truth and shown me, but I need to know your version."

What is it? You know we'd never lie to you, none of us would.

"I need to hear the voice."

No, no you don't. It's horrid and needs to go away for all time. You make it go away so we can't hear it.

"Red, please. I've heard it in Roth but I need to hear yours now. I need to check something."

Nothing to check, we all hear a voice that tells us to kill and fight. That's all there is to it.

"Red, you don't understand. Please, I need to see if it's the same voice in you as it is in Roth. He doesn't even know. If I can hear it I can tell. It doesn't have to be for long, I just need to hear it. Then after you can have all the snuggles and kisses you want right here, promise."

I really don't like this idea of yours.

"Please don't be stubborn Red. It's to try and help you. If I know what's going on, I might be able to figure out a way of getting rid of the voice permanently."

Fine, but I want a LOT of snuggles and kisses after.

Bringing himself up to your face, he gives you a quick kiss then places his forehead on yours. Swirling green and red goes across your vision. And again on the edges of your mind, you hear the same insidious disembodied voice repeating the same phrases over and over that you heard in Roth's mind, though in Red it was slightly louder and more commanding.

Kill, fight, save humanity, KILL, FIGHT, die to SAVE humanity, kill, fight, your life is forfeit, KILL, FIGHT, kill, fight, KILL, FIGHT.

You also see a quick flash of another, different, man, one who looks to be younger than the last one you saw in Roth's mind. This one looked to be a dancer, performer or some form of choreographer . The man had long black hair tied back in a ponytail and had seemed to have a lot of energy. Again it was such a quick flash you weren't sure if you really saw it. But after seeing the grizzled man in Roth... you were starting to get an inkling about what was going on. You just needed to get Blue's version later.

You feel Red pulling away from your mind and as you open your eyes he is just sitting there on your chest looking at you sadly.

I told you it was horrid.

"I know hon, but I've just learnt something new. Just need to do the same thing with Blue later but for now, let me give you some of those promised cuddles."

Turning on your side hugging Red to your chest. He expands out a little so he can put his head next to yours and give you some kisses and nuzzles. The lads hadn't quite figured out how to hold a full humanoid form on their own, it seemed they could only do it when in fusion form, but at least they could expand themselves enough individually to get both cuddles and kisses from you if you held them up. The two of you just lying there comforting each other, Red finally feeling at ease as the voice had finally gone, he started to doze off as you pet his head gently with you dozing off shortly after.

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