On the topic of spirits, Y/n anticipated this place to be swarming with them, but there were none so far, which weirded him out. He had been preparing the whole time in case one would show up so that he could drag his friend's sorry asses out of there. This place was huge, after all, so they might have just been lucky enough to wander around the spots without them. For now, he still had no reason to get them to leave just yet.

They have 0 sense of danger, Y/n found himself thinking as he continued to scan every nook and cranny. He watched as Mizuki and Jack started butting heads together, literally, and deadpanned at how stupid they looked.

As he was about to talk, he saw something moving inside the room they had passed from the corner of his eye, so he immediately turned to look inside. Once he pointed his flashlight into the room and glanced around, he found nothing. Just a few rusting beds, wheelchairs, and medical curtains strewn around. It seemed like this hospital had an abundance of those since even the hallways had some scattered in them.

Was it just my imagination? Y/n wondered, feeling a bead of sweat run down his temple. He hoped that it really was just his mind playing games on him.

He decided to take one last look around, but there was still nothing. He was already lagging behind the group by now, so he chalked it up to his paranoia and started to catch up with a quick, "Wait for me."

And then, just as he had left, something smiled from within the darkness.

_ _ _

"I'm starting to get bored, to be honest," Mizuki whistled as she peered her head into a room, "HELLO! IS ANYTHING THERE!?" she asked.

"For the love of God, Mizuki," Jack pulled her back and accidentally made her fall butt-first into the mossy floor. "Don't just scream like that, you idiot. We don't know what's in here. What if there's a bear?"

Mizuki hissed in pain, rubbing her behind as she stood up, "God fucking damn it, Jack! Look at my pants now!" she pointed at Jack's face while showing the dirt on her clothing, "It's so gross! EW, DIRTY! You clean this."

"Stop being so loud, midget," Y/n rubbed his ears as he picked Mizuki up, dangling her in front of him by her collar, "How many times do I have to tell you?"

"And how many times do you have to pick me up like a sack of potatoes?!" Mizuki gripped his wrist with both of her hands, but she failed to make him let go again. "Also, really?! The only time you decide to actually contribute to our conversation is to insult me?"

"As much as I need to make you shut up! And yes," Y/n screamed louder, and Jack sighed in disappointment.

"There you guys go again," Jack shook his head, "Is this a screaming contest? Also, let her go, Y/n."

"Not until she shuts her trap," Y/n sneered at the girl he was holding.

Mizuki, deciding that wasting time on bickering was useless, unexpectedly voiced, "Alright, fine. I'm sorry, and I won't scream for the remaining time we have here. So, can you let go now? We've got like 10 minutes left here."

"... Okay, good enough for me," Y/n finally let Mizuki go, and she kicked him in the shin afterward. "Did you really just do that?"

"Worth a shot," Mizuki shrugged, turning around to continue walking. After a few minutes, she flashed her light on the sign above the door that she saw several meters away. She smiled once she read it, "Ooh, that's the emergency room. I've been excited to find what's in there."

Jack, as if something became apparent to him, suddenly spoke, "Speaking of finding, how did you find this place, Mizuki? And what do you mean in the ER?"

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