Deafening Silence

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Hey everyone, this is a little something that wouldn't stop yelling at me, after hearing a new song from Citizen Soldier. Non of the songs are mine they belong to the original artist of course. Also I know Father's day is still like four months away, but I wasn't going to wait that long to post 

Happy Reading    (:


I made my way from my bed to the small half bath in my room. I was running late to meet up with my mom. We have a lunch date today. Most everyone I know will think it's crazy that I have a lunch date with my mother, on father's day. I say most everyone, cause some people know my mom has always been there. She is my mother and father, she is the one that taught me everything when I was little. Well.. besides the things I picked up from Kacchan.

Making my way down the hall to the elevator, didn't take long. Once I got to the ground floor the door opened, and I stepped out. As I expected the common area was empty. Most everyone was with their family giving gifts to their fathers or having a feast. Even Kacchan, I know he acts like he can't stand his parents, but I know better. He loves them both, he and his dad are on their annual mountain hike. I went once or twice when we were little, but them he stopped inviting me. That is when my mom and I started our yearly lunch date. 

I was now out side making my way to the train, so I could take a short ride to our favorite cafe. They had great coffee, amazing desserts and pretty good katsudon, but not as good as Kacchan's. Speaking of Kacchan we have been getting along pretty good. He did invite me to go with him and his dad today, but I wasn't going to cancel on my mom. He assured me he understood.  

As I made my way off the train and took the short walk that lead to the cafe, I saw my mom already there waiting for me. "Sorry, for being late." I sheepishly said to her. 

My wonderful, ever forgiving mother smiled at me. "Don't be silly Izuku, I know you sleep late when you are stressed and you always stress about school even when there is no need to."

Nodding my head in agreement, because I know she is right. We made our way into the cafe and took our seats. "How is school going?" She asked me from behind her menu. 

"It's good." I replied as I looked at mine as well. Not sure why either of us look at them, we order the same thing ever year. 

Our server Trina made her way to us, with a very familiar smile on her face. Once she realized we came every year she made sure she worked on father's day. "Running late today Izuku?" She questioned me. 

I felt my face go red. "Yeah, I over slept today." I said with a nervous chuckle.

"Only by twenty minutes. Not too bad." My mom added as she smiled at me and then at Trina. 

"Let me guess your usual?" Trina lightly laughed at us, with a shine to her jade eyes I didn't see the last time we were here. I just realized her amber hair was pulled into a pony tail, not cut short like last year.

"I like the new look." I said honestly. "And yes I will have my usual." 

"Yes it looks good on you, and I will have my usual as well." My mom laughed lightly.

After confirming our order, Trina turned heading to the kitchen to give it to the cook. My mom and I sat there a while chatting about how our week was. "I had a lot of fun on our school trip this year. It went smooth not like last year."

Clearing her throat my mom looked at me. "Izuku, please don't remind me of that. When Mitsuki called me and told me Katsuki was missing. I was heartbroken for her, but grateful it wasn't you. That made me feel like a bad friend." 

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