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Chaewon is not particularly a fan of weekends. The only good thing about it is that she gets to spend more time with Eunchae.

These days Eunchae really keeps her going. After her divorce she thought she had reached a wall, if it wasn't for her pup she would probably be in a very bad place mentally.

Ever since she moved, her weekends are based around Eunchae and working. She doesn't do much besides that.

This weekend however, there wasn't much work to do. So Chaewon had some extra free time and she didn't know what to do with herself.

She thought about maybe taking her pup somewhere nice. Distract both their heads for a bit.

Sometimes Chaewon feels bad, she wishes she could be more present in Eunchae's life. That's why she makes sure to enjoy every second she gets with her.

As usual she woke up early. Though she knows she doesn't have to, her body is simply used to waking up this time. It's rare the days she gets to sleep in.

She knows for a fact that Eunchae is still asleep. She's the kind to stay asleep until 12 if you let her, Chaewon usually wakes her up around 9 or 10.

Until then she busies herself with her morning routine. She gets started with coffee, catches up on news, and waters the plants around the house. Nothing out of the ordinary really. Chaewon is starting to really enjoy her routines, she can finally say she's used to Seoul.

She was watching as her coffee brewed when she heard her phone ringing. Chaewon rushed around the house and found the device long forgotten under her blanket.

"Hello?" She didn't have time to check who was even calling.

"What took you so long?" She immediately recognized the voice. Chaewon laughed and sighed, her body relaxing at the sound of her best friend.

"Unlike you, Sakura, I'm not glued to my phone." She playfully rolled her eyes even though Sakura couldn't see her.

"You should be." She recognized her playful tone as well. "I should be a priority in your life, even though you left me alone in Busan to live the rich girl life in Seoul. Not to mention that you took away my pride and joy with you. I miss Eunchae." Sakura sighed .

Chaewon smiled. She misses her best friend as well. "I'm just a call away. Plus, you could totally visit on the weekends, we definitely have enough room here."

"I'll think about it. How is Manchae?" She wondered.

"She's good. Asleep right now, though I'll probably wake her soon." Chaewon looked at the clock to make sure she was still on time.

"And how is Seoul treating you?" She could tell there was a lot of weight in that question. She knows how much her best friend worries about her, she supported her when she said she was moving. But that doesn't mean she wasn't hesitant.

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