10 : to love and protect her

Start from the beginning

" My mom..." she started but paused, her smile turning a little sad.

"My mom, she was the nicest person ever! She loved me so much.....or at least that's what I believed until I reached the age of 7." A tinge of sadness crossed her face as she continued to say.

"You know, my mom was the sweetest soul. She was very lovely. Her passion was ice skating, and she was a true champion on the ice." I could hear the admiration and love in her voice as she spoke of her mother.

"She wanted me to follow in her footsteps, and while I was definitely interested in skating, I just wasn't as skilled as she was. There were other kids whose parents were friends with my mom, and they would bring home countless medals. Meanwhile, I always seemed to fall short. It frustrated my mom immensely! She couldn't stand the thought of her friends boasting about their kids' achievements while feeling pity for me because I couldn't skate well."

"You know, talent comes inbuilt, and no matter how hard I worked, I couldn't meet my mom's expectations. As her friends continued to mock her, she grew more restless and furious. And then..." She paused, swallowing hard, as if summoning the strength to share the next part of her story.

" my mom.. she started using...using my fear against me to threaten me and to make me work hard on my skating skills. I didn't like practicing in mornings because it would be freezing cold but she would scare me with the lighter which she carried always with her and threaten me with it, I just turned 7 back then, I was a kid and I was really scared of my mom suddenly acting like that, you know since then she turned completely opposite, she was not like my sweet and lovely mom anymore. She said that her love had spoiled me a lot." She gulped and I couldn't believe what I just heard.

Sometimes parents don't even realise that they are seriously hurting there children to get their motives achieved.

They become so selfish and stoop so low in scaring their children to work hard for their own satisfaction, that they don't even realise that their own child has serious trauma with it.

" I loved my mom so much and I didn't blame her for that, I was weak and incompetent, she only wanted good for me so she did that right? but you know when I finally learned it well and brought certificates and medals, she wasn't there to appreciate me...she... she died before that. " Her chin wobbled and I felt my heart breaking into million pieces.

"The last happy memory I have with my mom is from my 6th birthday. I remember her giving me this beautiful snowflake pendant." She held onto the shiny pendant tightly which she always wore, a radiant smile gracing her face.

"This pendant is something I will always treasure. It's the only clear and joyful memory I have with my mom." As she spoke, a tear rolled down her cheek, which I immediately wiped away.

My heart was aching with each passing seconds, hearing her every word.

" I was 11 years old when she passed away. I would just sit, hugging my knees and stare at my medals and certificates for hours and hours, wondering why would my mom prioritize external recognition over my emotional well-being? That why she played with my feelings so horribly when she knew I seriously feared fire a lot. Wasn't I her only daughter? Didn't she love me anymore? " Her voice trembled as she continued.

" It was my competition day. She had sent me with driver in morning to start early morning practice and when she was coming to attend the competition, she met with an accident and died, while I won the competition here and was so happy to show my first ever gold medal to her. But when I went home, she was no longer with us."

" The last..The last memory I have of her is her threatening me to go to the morning practice.." She broke into loud sobs and started crying loudly, i immediately wrapped my arms around her tightly.

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