Middle School part 2

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~Bakugous pov~

I managed to get to the school gate with Deku on my hip he was practically asleep so I took the chance to take the chew toy off him and put it back in the bag. After I slowly and gently woke Deku and whispered "hey we are here."
Deku looked up at the school as I lower him off my hip. Deku groans as I give him his backpack. "We are very late aren't we" Deku says I nod and take his hand we walk through the gate and head to our 3 period because we missed our first 2 lessons. We headed to English and knocked the door. The woman replied asking for us to come in. We entered the room to be stared at by the whole class I put Deku behind me to not stress him out.

~no ones pov~

The teacher ask why they were late, Bakugou stood there trying to come up with a excuse but then... a girl stood up putting her hand in the air the teacher demanded she sat down but she said knew why they were late because I was all over the news. Deku started to panic at the thought of his secret coming out. Bakugou turned to Deku and stroked his green hair as Deku hugged him. Everyone except for the girl, Bakugou and Deku stared in shock to see Bakugou not murdering Deku for touching him. Everyone started to whisper among themselves the teacher slammed a book on her desk to get everyone attention back on her. After that the teacher ask the girl to show her the video of what happen while she explains. The girl handed her purple phone to the teacher. The teacher stared at the phone. As the girl explained what happended everyone looked at Deku as Deku hid behind Bakugous back.

~Dekus pov~

I stood nervously behind Kacchans back as my classmates stared at me it made me feel like the room had no air in it, it was suffocating. I wanted to run but Kacchan stroked my hair to calm my nerves I hugged Kacchan Everyone stared in shock again, I still wanted to run but once again Kacchan stopped me. When I heard the girl explaining what happened I freaked out again and looked straight up at Kacchan he looked nervous as well which made me worry I take a step back from Kacchan. I stumble. Kacchan immediately turns around and catches me he realises what's happening and gently sets me on the ground I start coughing violently. I hear Kacchan shouting for something stable to put underneath my head I slowly lose control and my consciousness.

~Bakugous pov~

Deku freaked out to put and put stress on his mind he stumbled backwards as I caught him I gently place him on the floor and start shouting for something stable to put underneath his head a brown haired boy stood up and rushed over to me and gave me a bunch of blazers screwed up in a ball I place the blazers under Deku head and start the stopwatch Everyone watches as they hold their breath. Deku falls unconscious and starts shaking uncontrollably everyone starts to panic I reassure them that it was normal everyone became chill again has Deku started to calm down I once again put him to his side to help him breathe.
" He's very tired." I say to the class. The teacher offers me to help Deku and use the reading corner because there are blankets and bean bags incase Deku needs a sleep. I agree to this and pick Deku up and place him on my hip as I pick my bags, his bag and hus autism bag.

Thanks for reading my story sorry if its too short for you next part soon

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