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ohm's pov-

Here I'm taking nanon back in Bangkok city. as our exam is going on and today is last day of exam I'm finally thankful it's gonna end. Because nanon have been studyin so much and because of him I also always stay awake in midnight for him. after begging him to sleep he would take rest.

and I'm so thankful that we're becoming too close to each others. nanon is so clingy but I don't mind because I loves whenever he is close to me. Nanon's belly is little out and now everyone can say he is pregnant his cheeks become chubby and I love this cute nanon. he would annoy me so much because of his mood swings but I always find him cute even though he is angry.

non have breakfast fast we are gonna reach in City I said while driving but when I glanced I saw him reading the book. I again glanced and saw him still focused on book. non? are you even taking care of the Baby? when I said that nanon glared at me and put down his book and grabs the fruits and juice and ate them. I smiled and keep driving.

When we reached in college I saw chimon and phuwin was already at gate when they saw us they walked towards our car. as I Parked the car and nanon got off first then I did. perth and pond hugged me and we all went inside the college. just then our exam starts.


Nanon's pov-

our exam time finished and I'm so glad that my all exam went good I don't have to worry anymore. just as I step out from my classroom before submitting my paper. I saw all students were coming out. I first saw chimon in hallway walking towards me. hey how was the last exam? chimon asked and I gave him bright smile it was really good I was so tensed that I couldn't write anything I hope ohm's also went good I said and chimon gave me a mischievous smile. ohoooo worried about hubby huh?

I said and I rolled my eyes. let's go out and wait for everyone? chimon asked and I nodded we both left from hallway. as me and chimon reached near the exist my hand was held by someone me and chimon stopped and we saw it was prim. she gave a really sweet smile and I smiled back to her. oh hey prim! how are you? I asked as she tucked her hair behind her ear. I'm fine, how about you? prim asked.

I'm fine too I replied as chimon only stayed silent but I was expecting him to speak with prim. it's been long time I'm seeing you looks chubby I mean cute she said and I chuckle but this time chimon immediately spoke. because he is pregnant as he said I nodded my head with a smile.

but prim looked shocked. w-what really? I mean did you find your mate already? she asked with shocked tone. yeah, I did I said as she look around then glanced at me who is it? she throw another question. It's ohm pawat a voice came behind prim and everyone looked that voice direction and saw its ohm who spoke and behind him there is perth, phuwin and pond looking at us.

a smile formed on my face and ohm walked towards me rested his hand on my waist and glanced at prim. he's my mate and soon to be papa of my child he said and prim looked little taken back. she then smiled. oh my god guys congratulations so when you're going to get married huh? she asked the thing we actually haven't think about.

very soon don't worry you will be first person to be invited ohm replied and I glanced at him he was smiling brightly then glances at me.
anyways non your mom is waiting at my mansion to meet you so let's go ohm said and I nodded. see you soon guys I said to everyone and they nodded as me and ohm left from college.


when ohm parked the car in front of the mansion I got out. but I saw my mom and ohm's parent's at the door step. they was smiling at me and ohm, let's go as ohm came and rested his hand on my shoulder I nodded and we walked towards our parents.

I stand up in front of my mom, I saw her already tearing up after seeing me. I tear up too I missed my mom so much. I hugged her and after long time mom patted my head. I hugged her tightly as I can hear her sobbing. she broke the hug and cupped my cheeks. I'm glad you're okay my son mom said and I smiled while tears in my eyes. how are you mom? I asked her. I'm fine after seeing you she replied and wiped my tears which fell on my cheeks.

but I saw her smile faded. with worries I look at her. what happened mom? I asked and she was looking at my neck, her eyes landed on me y-you're marked? she asked. and I understand her. yes mom I'm marked by my mate and it's ohm I said and she looked shocked. what? ohm is your mate? ohm's mom walked towards me and asked. yes mom we're mates ohm replied.

woah that's a really good thing
ohm's dad said with a smile. as ohm's ohm hugged me I'm so so excited to see my grandchild she said and I smiled at her. let's go inside, me and your mom cooked healthy foods  ohm's said and we all enter in.

we directly went to dining table and I saw there is so many foods are prepared. they all looks Nanon's favorite have you guys even cooked something for me? ohm said making everyone chuckle. how can I forget my other son, I have prepared your favorite dish mrs kidpan said and ohm beamed at her.
we sat down and mom take the spoon filled with rice and chicken and bring it near my mouth I opened my mouth and ate the food.

how is it? she asked delicious as always mom I replied to her and we continue to have our food.

ohm's pov-

we was having food. and I can see nanon looks so happy after seeing his mom and I understand him because he was missing mrs kirdpan so much. seeing Nanon's happy dimples makes me so happy. I was looking at my omega. when I hear the whispers. so whipped for your omega huh? I snapped my head towards the voice and saw its dad who spoke. I cleared my throat and shook. what are you talking about? I whisper back.

but this time dad didn't whispered he spoke with loud voice. when you're guys getting married? dad asked and nanon suddenly started to cough. my eyes got wide and I was worried for nanon. dad! I said and mrs kirdpan gave nanon water and pat his back. I'm sorry nanon, but I just wanted to know..........

to be continued......

sorry for boring chapters......

MADLY OBSESSED.OHMNANON (WEREWOLF AU) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu